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Sample Tools

What are assessment tools?

Assessment tools are those specifically designed to help you know more about your students' learning. As explained in the How To section of this site, these tools include learning outcomes, curriculum and course maps, and rubrics. Below we offer some examples for you to start with, some of which are in use by your fellow Hunter faculty and staff and some of which are found around the web. Please make sure, when adopting any of these tools, to give appropriate credit to its source.

Jump to: Learning Outcomes, Course/ Curriculum Maps, Rubrics

Sample Learning Outcomes





Psychology Introduction to Psychology (Texas Tech University) History History Department (Miscericordia University)
Chemistry Basic Chemistry (Truman College) Music Music Department (Dartmouth College)
Geography Population Geography (Hunter College) Photojournalism Journalism Department (Boston University)
Anthropology Cultural Anthropology (Hunter College)
Mathematics Mathematics Department (Oregon Institute of Technology)
Music Music Theory 101 (Hunter College) Public Policy Public Policy Department (Stanford University)
Political Science Graduating Senior Essays, 200-Level Essays (Hunter College) Government, Law, and National Security History Department (Misericordia University)

Jump to: Learning Outcomes, Course/ Curriculum Maps, Rubrics

Sample Course Curriculum Maps


Type of Map

Physics Curriculum Map (Prairie View A&M University)
Couple and Family Therapy Curriculum Map (The University of Rhode Island)
Business Curriculum Map (New York University)
Psychology Program Curriculum Map (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools)
Medical Microbiology Course Map (Ferris State University)
Anthropology Course Map (Hunter College)
Asian American Studies Course Map (Hunter College)

Jump to: Learning Outcomes, Course/ Curriculum Maps, Rubrics

Sample Rubrics

For Writing Assignments

For Presentations and Performances

For Other Types of Activites

Research Paper (Hunter College, English 120) Dramatic Performance (David Crawford) Tutoring (Weber State University)
Scientific Writing Paper (Cornell College)

Poster Oral Presentations (University of California San Fransisco )

Poster Oral Presentations (University of Bridgeport)

Wiki (NCTE)
Reflection Paper (U Minn-Duluth) Art Project (Alicia R Duff) Website (Pioneer Middle School)
Reflection Rubric (U Minn-Duluth) Film Storyboard (Rcoppola) Discussion Board (University of Nevada, Reno)

Looking for the AACU VALUE Rubrics? Click here! It includes rubrics for: Inquiry and analysis, Critical thinking, Creative thinking, Written communication, Oral communication, Reading, Quantitative literacy, Information literacy, Teamwork, Problem Solving, Civic engagement - local and global, Intercultural knowledge and competence, Ethical reasoning, Foundations and skills for lifelong learning, Global learning, and Integrative learning

Interested in more? Join iRubric (for free!) to browse through hundreds of thousands of public rubrics and create your own.

Jump to: Learning Outcomes, Course/ Curriculum Maps, Rubrics

We are constantly adding new tools to this page, so if what you want isn't here, check back again later or contact the Office of Assessment directly!

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