for Assessment, Teaching, and Learning Online
- "Making the Move to Online Courses: Resources to Inform Teaching and Learning" (from NILOA, the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment)
- "Teaching in the Context of COVID-19" (Includes discipline-specific resources)
- "Safeguarding Quality, Equity, and Inclusion as Learning Moves Online" (esp. slides 7, 19-20)
- "Resources for Facilitating Global Learning Online"
- "Corporate Resources for Higher Ed Going Online During COVID-19" (Educause)
- "Assessing Student Learning in the Online Modality" (NILOA Occasional Paper #40)
- "Assessing Learning in Online Education" (NILOA, 2011)
- "An Analysis of Student Slef-Assessment of Online, Blended, and Face-toFace Learning Environments"
- "Coronavirus and the Great Online-Learning Experiment"
- "E-assessment of online academic courses via students' activities and perceptions"
- "Distance Learning Tools" (Hunter College)
- "Resources for Teaching Remotely" (Hunter Technology Teaching and Learning Group)
- Hunter Academic Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (ACERT) upcoming virtual events
- CUNY Blackboard Faculty Users' Guide
- "FAQ for faculty and staff on accessing and using CUNY technology to support remote teaching, learning and work"
- "Strategies for Instruction (Lecture, Seminar, Etc.)" (Princeton)
- Online Learning Research Center (OLRC) at UC Irvine Educator's Page
- "Resources: Transitioning Online" (The Continuous Learning Institute)
- "SPS Faculty Community Site" CUNY School of Professional Studies
- "Resources for Your Faculty" (Excelsior College, SUNY)
- SUNY's Open Source Course Quality Review Rubric (Start here, navigate to other links)
- "Teaching Online During the COVID 19 Crisis"
- "Moving Teaching Online — OLC Continuity Planning and Emergency Preparedness"
- "For Students With Disabilities, A Mass Shift to Online Courses Comes With Deep Concerns"
- "Please do a bad job of putting your courses online"
- "So You Want to Temporarily Teach Online"
- "Transforming Your Online Teaching From Crisis to Community"
- "How to Quickly Adapt to Teaching Online, Part I" (Harvard Institutes for Higher Education)
- "Discipline-Specific Examples and Resources for Distance Learning"
- Indiana University's Guide for Online Labs
- "Adapting Labs and Studies for Remote Learning" (Wake Forest)
- "Online Resources for Science Laboratories (POD) - Remote Teaching: All Resources"
- "Online Labs" in various science subjects
- "Online Science Simulations and Laboratory Resources"
- "Best Practices for Online Lab Experiences"
- "Managing labs remotely" (Duke)
- "Teaching Art Online Under COVID-19"
- "List of Arts Resources During the COVID-19 Outbreak"
- "The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Museum Resources, E-Learning, and Online Collections"