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Semyon Khanin. Poetry reading.
Semyon Khanin is a Riga-based poet, translator, and editor. He is the author of several books, including Tol'ko chto (2003), Opushchennye podrobnosti (2008), Vplav' (2013), A vam ne kazhetsa, chto eti vashi p'at' minut kak-to slishkom sil'no zat'anulis' (2015), No ne tem (selected poems, 2017), Posignal' (2019), and Dve vtoryh (2023). Khanin’s collections of poetry have appeared in most European languages. He is also a translator of Latvian and American poetry into Russian, and editor of several books of Russian and Latvian poets, e.g., the anthology Latvian/Russian Poetry. Poems in Russian Written by Latvian Poets (2011). Khanin is the founding member of the multimedia poetry project Orbita, a creative collective of poets and visual artists whose works features a dialogue between various cultures and genres (including literature, music, video, and photography, among others). He is the author of performances and installations One Face Theatre, Three-Dimensional Poetry etc.
- Hemmerdinger Screening Room
921 Lexington Ave
New York, NY 10065 United States + Google Map The Hemmerdinger Screening Room is located in the East Building, room 706.