Faculty Resources
The Faculty Handbook has been recently updated. It is intended as a supplement to the information that departments provide new hires.
Faculty HandbookACERT seeks to promote excellence in teaching and research at Hunter. The Center integrates existing faculty development activities with new workshops and seminars based on input from faculty and Hunter’s academic community.
If you are aware of additional resources that may assist faculty teaching, please notify the FDA at fda@hunter.cuny.edu and we will be happy to add them below.
Visit ACERTHere you can find information about tenure and promotion:
2024 - 2025 Procedures for Tenure or Tenure with Concurrent Promotion (Tentative)
The following procedures apply to candidates being considered for tenure and tenure with concurrent promotion (typically to Associate Professor).
There are a variety of funding options available to Hunter faculty, which come from three main areas: internal sources, CUNY-wide sources, and federal sources. Hunter's Office of Research Administration (ORA) is the best place to obtain information about applying for grants, funding opportunities, proposal preparation, and managing research awards. The office is located in room 1424 Hunter East, phone: (212) 772-4020. The ORA publishes newsletters that includes recent grant listings and recent Hunter grant recipients. Back issues are available at the above link.
Hunter’s Provost's Office and Office of Research Administration both keep master lists of these funding opportunities on their websites.
This link to the Hunter College Human Resources site provides new employees with a variety of personnel information.
Hunter College Human ResourcesAmong the options for benefits that new and current faculty can get information on the above website are:
- Health benefits
- Health Flexible Spending plan
- Transit Benefit
- Basic health insurance
- Part-timer benefits
- Welfare Fund coverage
- Optional Welfare Fund benefits
- Pensions
- Additional retirement savings plans
- Miscellaneous other benefits
All faculty are represented by the Professional Staff Congress of CUNY. While you may elect to opt out of membership from the PSC-CUNY, they are the body primarily responsible for negotiating new faculty contracts and arranging for a variety of faculty benefits. More information about the PSC union and the benefits they help administer may be found here:
The open enrollment period for the New York City Health Benefits Program is usually in November. During this time, employees may change plans, add or drop a rider and/or dependents. Any changes made during the transfer period will be effective the first day of the first full pay period in January.
There are 4 programs under the FSA Program umbrella: the Health Care Flexible Spending Account (HCFSA) Program, the Dependent Care Assistance (DeCAP) Program, the Medical Spending Conversion Health Benefits Buy-Out Waiver Program and the Medical Spending Conversion Premium Conversion Program. Brochures and forms are available on the OLR website under Forms and Downloads at: https://www.nyc.gov/site/olr/fsa/fsa-forms-and-downloads.page
Employees currently enrolled in the Flexible Spending Account Program will automatically be mailed a FSA Program Brochure and Enrollment/Change Form to their address on record. In addition, participation will continue automatically each plan year for those currently enrolled in the MSC Buy-Out Waiver and Premium Conversion Programs. Therefore, it is not necessary to re-enroll in these two programs unless you have a change in status.
The PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund Transfer period is from October 31st through December 1st. During this period Fund participants and benefits-eligible employees may change their dental coverage between Guardian and DeltaCare USA. Please find the applications forms here.
Hunter-L is an electronic forum created to promote collegial campus discussion, debate and information exchange
Its success as a listserv depends on a high degree of integrity, civility and cooperation with the rules governing posting to Hunter-L by all members of the Hunter community. To that end, the Senate Administrative Committee and the FDA Executive Committee has prepared an update on the policy regarding Hunter-L.
Request Membership to the Hunter-L: https://hunter.listserv.cuny.edu/scripts/wa-hc.exe?SUBED1=hunter-l&A=1