

Hunter College provides all active students, faculty, and staff free access to Forage’s real-world virtual work experiences to develop in-demand skills and explore careers for free!

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Microlearning: Quick Lessons, Major Gains, Boosting Careers

We’re excited to bring Forage to Hunter, enhancing accessibility and personalization for education and career exploration.

Here’s what it means for you:

  • Students: enhance your studies with real-world learning opportunities that boost your degree and prepare you for a successful career.
  • Faculty: extend your classroom lesson plans with interactive content that seamlessly integrates into your course instruction, enhancing students’ career and technical skills.
  • Staff: expand your skills through professional development, upskilling, and reskilling opportunities.

What is Forage?

Forage is an innovative platform that offers free, real-world work experiences in the form of interactive modules developed by leading companies. By simulating professional tasks and scenarios, Forage enables you to:

  • Discover and explore diverse career paths.
  • Develop in-demand skills through hands-on projects.
  • Connect classroom theory to actual workplace practices.
  • Stand out to future employers with practical experience on your resume.

Why Forage Image
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How to Access Forage

1. Visit or click the link in your browser to access Forage. Create a free account using your Hunter email or any valid email address.

2. After clicking “Sign In” or “Register,” set up your account. If you need help with credentials or creating an account, please visit the IT Helpdesk for assistance.

3. Once you’re signed in, personalize your experience by selecting interests or career goals, providing optional background details, and choosing any skills or topics you’d like to develop.

4. Now you can begin to explore and use Forage. Choose from a variety of free, interactive mod


Faculty Inquiries
Dean of Academic Innovation and Outcomes
68th Street Campus, East Building
695 Park Avenue, Room 1700A
New York, NY 10065
Student Inquiries
Career Center
68th Street Campus, East Building
695 Park Avenue, Room 805
New York, NY 10065
(212) 772-4850