LinkedIn Learning Recommended Courses
LinkedIn Learning Recommended Courses
Hunter College provides all active students, faculty, and staff with free, unlimited access to LinkedIn Learning. Below is a list of suggested courses work exploring—take advantage of this valuable resource.
Learn About LinkedIn LearningLanding Your First Job & Succeeding
Explore top courses on job-hunting, networking, and communication strategies for essential skills that employers are looking for in today's job market.
Login using the SSO button above to access the courses below for free.
In-Demand Skills to Acquire
Discover in-demand skills with top courses in Microsoft tools, project management, generative AI, and data analysis to boost your career potential.
Faculty Inquiries
Dean of Academic Innovation and Outcomes
68th Street Campus, East Building
695 Park Avenue, Room 1700A
New York, NY 10065
Dean of Academic Innovation and Outcomes
68th Street Campus, East Building
695 Park Avenue, Room 1700A
New York, NY 10065
Student Inquiries
Career Center
68th Street Campus, East Building
695 Park Avenue, Room 805
New York, NY 10065
Career Center
68th Street Campus, East Building
695 Park Avenue, Room 805
New York, NY 10065
Technology Support
Help Desk
68th Street Campus, North Building
695 Park Avenue, Room 303
New York, NY 10065
Help Desk
68th Street Campus, North Building
695 Park Avenue, Room 303
New York, NY 10065