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Accessibility Checklists

This page includes:


Checklist for Websites

The Hunter College website and web tools are designed and coded in ways that enable people with disabilities to use them. Still, there are elements that editors need to keep in mind when creating content for the Hunter website:

  • Headings reflect page hierarchy.
  • Built-in lists (bullets or numbers) are used to order items.
  • Graphics and photos have alt-text and descriptive titles.
  • Links have descriptive text.
  • Email addresses are written out.

See Accessibility Best Practices for more detailed information.


Checklist for Documents and Publications

Documents and publications distributed from the website must also be accessible.

All items should be reflected in the document:

  • Document has meaningful file name.
  • Headings reflect document hierarchy.
  • Built-in lists (bullets or numbers) are used to order items.
  • Graphics and photos have alt-text and descriptive titles.
  • Links have descriptive text.
  • Email addresses are written out.
  • Color contrast is used (but not as the only means of conveying information, like in charts).
  • Tables are used correctly.
  • Standard fonts are used.

See instructions on creating accessible documents with Microsoft Word for more detailed information.

Checklist for Presentations

Presentations distributed from the website must also be accessible.

All items should be reflected in the presentation:

  • Presentation has meaningful file name.
  • Each slide has a unique title.
  • Slides can be read in the intended order.
  • Graphics and photos have alt-text and descriptive titles.
  • Color contrast is used (but not as the only means of conveying information, like in charts).
  • Hyperlinks and ScreenTips have descriptive text.
  • Standard fonts are used.
  • Embedded video is captioned.
  • Embedded audio includes a transcript.

See instructions on creating accessible Powerpoint Documents for more information.