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Create a News Article

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Steps to Create a News Article

WordPress News content has its own section in the left nav of WordPress. Find News in the left nav and then select Add New Article to create a new article page.

Steps to create a News Article:

  1. Add New Article - Find News in the left nav and then select Add New to create a new News article page.
  2. Site Section - Select the appropriate Site Section. The module is usually located in the right column of the WordPress CMS. If you don't see the module, click on Screen Options (top right corner of the page) and select "Site Section" to display the module. More about Site Sections.
  3. Feeds - Add article to feeds for where an article should appear on the site. For example, if an article is selected to go in Spotlight, it will show up in the Spotlight news feed modules.
  4. Add Image - This image will appear in the article and in the modules that feature the article. If left blank, the article will not appear in modules that require images.
  5. Add Blurb - Displays under title in modules that feature the article. Max character count 150. If left blank, a blurb will automatically be created from the first 150 characters of the article content.
  6. Add Article content.
  7. Add Call to Action - to link directly to a source.
  8. Add Modules - for additional types of content.
  9. Feature Me / Share Me - make selection if you want to request article shows up on Hunter.
  10. SEO - Check character count or copy blurb into the Meta Description.
  11. Follow steps below to publish.


Steps to Publish an Article

Step 1: Save As Draft (before publishing it)

Click the Save Draft button to save article until it is approved. 

If the article gets published by accident, here's how to un-publish it:

  1. Select ‘Edit’ next to Status: Published
  2. Select ‘Published’ dropdown, change to ‘Draft’
  3. Select ‘Update’

Step 2: Check on Multiple Devices

Review the page on multiple device sizes for spacing and image placement.

More about Device Checking.

Step 3: Get Approval

Get approval before publishing the News article.

See various ways to get approval.

Step 4: Publish

Publish the page and device check for a second time.

Check the page on multiple device sizes again to ensure the page looks as expected.



Article Missing from News Feed/Archive

If an article doesn’t show up on a News feed/archive, first check that corresponding Site Section is selected on the article. The Site Section module is usually located in the right column. If you don't see the module, click on Screen Options (top right corner of the page) and select "Site Section" to display the module.

If site section is checked on the article and it's still not showing up, confirm the correct feed/archive is selected in the feed module or on the archive page. Learn more about News Feeds modules and News Archive Templates.