Now that the semester is in full swing, this is a great time to seek out tutoring and attend campus events! From virtual job fairs to a procrastination workshop, Hunter has many events in store that may be helpful for you. This is also a great time to start thinking about your summer plans, including coursework, research, and internships. Need support? Email or meet with a Human Biology advisor to see what resources you can explore!
March Highlights
Human Biology News
- Follow us on Instagram!
- The Human Biology Program is now on Instagram! Follow us at @hunterhumbio for info on events, advising, reminders, and opportunities across campus!
Upcoming Events
- 3/3: Ask Pre-Health Session
- 3/7: Pace University-Lenox Hill Hospital Physician Assistant Studies Program Information Session
- 3/8: Everything You Need to Know about the CASPer Exam and the AAMC PREview Exam
- 3/15: Abstract Submissions due for Hunter Undergraduate STEM Research Conference
- 3/22: Financing Your Dental School Education
- 3/25: Pre-Health Fair at City College (CCNY)
- 3/28: Dissecting the Dental (AADSAS) Application Process: Packaging yourself for Success
- Events are added throughout the month and will be announced via the Pre-Health listserv. The PreHealth Advising office's listserv also advertises upcoming internships and job opportunities! This is a great resource for HumBio majors interested in gaining hands-on experience. Sign up here!
Career Development Services
- 3/1: Fair Prep in the Virtual World Workshop
- 3/4: NYC Parks Job Fair
- 3/7: Hunter College Business, Tech & Media Virtual Fair 2023
- 3/7: Legal Services Social Workers Mentorship Event
- 3/8: Certificate in Business Studies Info Session
- 3/8: CDS Think Summer Workshop
- 3/8: Hunter College Health, Science, & Social Service Virtual Fair 2023
- 3/10: Pfizer Summer Growth Experience
- 3/21: A Friendly Face Virtual Information Session
- 3/25: King Bay Job Fair
- 4/4: America Needs You Fellows Program
- Events are added throughout the month. Check the CDS website here for upcoming events!
Need Support?
Major Advising
- In person and virtual advising are available in Spring 2023; appointments with Dr. Milena Shattuck or Ms. Michelle Coleman can be booked through Hunter Navigate.
- Walk-in advising with Ms. Michelle Coleman is held in HN 713 every Tuesday from 9AM-12PM and 1PM-3:30PM, and every Wednesday from 9AM-12PM. No appointment needed!
General Advising
- Please use Hunter Navigate to make an appointment with your general advisor.
- Virtual and in-person appointments are available in Spring 2023; walk-in advising with peer mentors is available.
- Unable to make an appointment with your advisor? Send them an email! Please allow at least five business days for a response.
- All general inquiries can be sent to
Tutoring (Virtual and In Person sessions available!)
- Dolciani Math Center
- Skirball Science Learning Center (sessions scheduled through Hunter Navigate)
- Rockowitz Writing Center
- Chanin Language Center
- Physical Sciences Learning Center
Mental Health Support at the Counseling and Wellness Center
- Upcoming Workshops
- 3/1: Mastering Anxiety
- 3/14: Preventing Procrastination
- 3/22: The Power of Mindfulness
- 3/28: Combating Social Anxiety
- Contact via email at