Benefits List
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) – A system of healthcare that provides managed, pre-paid hospital and medical services to its members. An HMO member chooses a Primary Care Physician (PCP) from within the HMO-network
- Plans presently offered:
- CIGNA Healthcare
- Empire HMO New York
- Empire HMO New Jersey
- HIP Prime
- Vytra Health
- MetroPlusPlans
Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) – Offers a higher-level of choice and flexibility than many other managed-care plans. Members can see any EPO network provider. There is no need to choose a PCP and no referrals are-necessary to see a specialist.
- Plans presently offered:
- Empire EPO
- Aetna EPO
Point of Service (POS) – Offers the freedom to use a network-or an out-of-network provider for medical and hospital care. When using out-of-network providers, healthcare delivery-resembles that of a traditional indemnity plan
- Plans presently offered:
- HIP Prime POS
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) – Offers the freedom to-use either a network or an out-of-network provider for medical and hospital care. Participating plans contract with health-care providers who agree to accept negotiated lower payment from the health plan
- Plans presently offered:
You are eligible to enroll in the NYC Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS); however, enrollment/membership is optional.
- TRS is a defined benefit plan for which you would contribute 3% to 6% depending on your gross salary for the duration of your employment and requires ten (10) years of full-time credited service credit in order to be vested.
- TRS will prorate part-time teaching service based on one year of service credit for 360 hours worked per year.
- For part-time, non-teaching service, TRS will prorate the service based on one year of service credit for 900 hours worked per year.
You may participate in a tax-deferred annuity (TDA) program plan with NYC Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) if you are a TRS member or TIAA- CREF.
- The (TDA) program allows you to set aside pre-tax dollars in a supplemental retirement account subject to a maximum IRS limit.
- For information on the NYC TRS TDA plan, please contact TRS directly at 1 (888) 8-NYC-TRS (1-888-869-2877).
- For Information on the TIAA-CREF TDA plan, please call 1 (866) 277-7957.
New York State Deferred Compensation 457 (b) Plan
The NYSDCP 457 (b) Plan is a voluntary, supplemental retirement savings plan offered by the New York State.
Employees have two options:
- Tax-Deferred contributions – not subject to current federal or New York State income taxes; contributions and any earnings grow tax deferred; withdrawals will be taxed as ordinary income when you may be in a lower tax bracket (generally at retirement).
- Roth After-Tax Contributions – contributions are made after tax so withdrawals are tax free (as long as you are at least age 59 ½ and do not take withdrawals from your Roth account for at least five years after your first Roth contribution is made to the plan).
For applications, please visit your Human Resources/Benefits Office in the East building, Room E1504.
You are entitled to receive your regular salary provided that you serve during your normal work hours and remit to the Human Resources Office proof of jury duty attendance. You should notify your departmental chair or director of such service. If the jury service does not conflict with your assignment, you will be expected to work as scheduled.
Adjuncts and Non-Teaching Adjuncts may be excused without loss of pay for personal illness or personal emergencies including religious observance, death in the immediate family or similar personal needs which cannot be postponed for a period of 1/15 of the total number of clock hours in the particular session or semester.
- Request for such leave, where possible, must be made in advance, in writing.
The United States Savings Bond Program allows employees to purchase series EE and I savings bonds through payroll deduction. Employees may join this plan by calling the National Bond and Trust Company at 1-800-426-9314 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. You must inform the customer service representative that your agency code is 70031.
An adjunct is eligible for tuition remission of up to one course if he or she has taught one or more courses in the same department at the same college for ten consecutive semesters (not including summer sessions) and is appointed to teach a course of not fewer than three contact hours per week per semester.
- A Teaching Adjunct is eligible for a waiver for either one undergraduate or graduate course in the fall or spring semester.
- Tuition waiver is not available in the summer or winter session.
The Workers’ Compensation plan provides for health benefits and disability pay if you are injured in the performance of your College duties.
- You must report work-related injuries to the Human Resources Office and complete the required Workers’ Compensation forms.
- The workers’ compensation Division of the Law Department of the City of New York will notify you if your injury is covered.
The Benefits Office is available to answer any questions you may have and to assist you in making your selections.
- Feel free to call us for an appointment at (212) 772-4517 or (212) 772-4516 or (212) 396-6470.
- Our offices are located in the East Building, room E1504.
For information regarding eligibility, please visit the Benefits Office at E1504. If you are teaching at more than one college, the Personnel Officer at each school has to certify your eligibility.