Accountability Overview
The City University of New York Performance Management Process
Hunter College follows a performance management process (PMP) established by The City University of New York. The PMP process sets University-wide goals and targets for the CUNY colleges on an annual basis. The purpose of the PMP is to ensure clarity about University and college priorities and expectations for the year. The PMP is organized around three outstanding goals:
- To raise academic quality
- To improve student success
- To enhance financial and management effectiveness
Each spring, the Chancellor releases the University's performance targets for the upcoming academic year for each goal. CUNY college presidents, working with their executive teams and college communities, then map out performance goals and targets for their institution for the coming year in alignment with those of the University. The college targets reflect differences in campus missions, resources and circumstances, and recognize that the colleges start from different performance baselines.
The University's performance goals for the academic year, as well as performance goals and targets established by each individual college are available on the CUNY PMP Yearly Report.
How Are We Doing?
At the end of each academic year, progress towards each college's performance targets is assessed. Additionally, the University’s Office of Institutional Research and Assessment publishes the CUNY Performance Management Process Indicator Report. To see how Hunter and the other CUNY colleges are doing, refer to the CUNY PMP Data Book.