Funding Opportunities
Welcome to Funding Opportunities - an all-inclusive platform designed to assist researchers at every stage of their research life cycle. We are thrilled to offer a range of resources that are available at Hunter College and the CUNY Central Office.
Funding Opportunities at CUNY
The Faculty Fellowship Publication Program (FFPP) assists full-time untenured CUNY Assistant Professors in the design and execution of writing projects essential to progress toward tenure. These projects may include scholarly articles for juried journals and books for academic presses. The program proivdes 3 credit hours of course release time for the spring semester, a discipline-based writing group and the guidance of a senior faculty member. This year's program is limited to faculty from the following disciplines: Ethnic and Gender Studies, English, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences. Deadlines, Applications and Guidelines may be accessed from the Faculty Fellowship Publication Program page on the CUNY website.
Learn More About Faculty Fellowship Publication ProgramThe CUNY Diversity Projects Development Fund supports scholarly research projects and other educational activities for or about populations that are traditionally under-represented within higher education. The purpose of the Fund is to assist in the development of educational projects, scholarly research, creative endeavors, and professional activities which promote diversity, multiculturalism, affirmative action, and non-discrimination on the basis of the following categories: race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender status, disability, genetic predisposition or carrier status, alienage or citizenship, veteran or marital status. Proposals and additional information may be accessed from the Diversity Projects Development Fund page on the CUNY website.
Learn More About Diversity Projects Development FundThe Interdisciplinary Research Grant 2020/2021 program seeks to support and encourage faculty researchers who will tackle challenges or problems that affect the needs of urban populations and the urban environment. We encourage applications that address specific challenges in ways that can be approached by combining expertise across disciplines (such as the health/social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities). The goal of this program is to provide seed funding for projects that will become eligible and competitive for external funding. Application Documents may be accessed from the Interdisciplinary Research Grant page on the CUNY website.
Learn More About Interdisciplinary Research GrantThe PSC-CUNY Research Award Program was established as a major vehicle for the University's encouragement and support for faculty research and to leverage external funding. It seeks to enhance the University's role as a research institution, further the professional growth and development of its faculty and provide support for both the established and the younger scholar.
Learn More About The PSC-CUNY Research Award ProgramThis program is funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and administered by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. The program seeks to increase the presence of minority junior faculty (African Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Hispanics, and Native Americans and Native Alaskans) and other junior faculty members committed to eradicating racial disparities, in core fields in the arts and sciences. Career Enhancement Fellowships aim to enhance the scholarly research and intellectual growth of the fellows, thereby enhancing their chances for success as tenured university scholars. For program guidelines and application, visit the Career Enhancement Fellowships page for Brochure and Application.
Learn More About Career Enhancement Fellowships for Junior FacultyThe purpose of Scholar Incentive Awards is to facilitate bona fide and documented scholarly research. Scholar Incentive Awards of not less than one semester nor more than one year are available to full-time personnel in the following titles: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor, Lecturer, University Professor, and Distinguished Professor. The amount of the award may be up to 25% of the candidate's annual salary. Candidates must have completed at least one full year of continuous paid full-time service with CUNY before becoming eligible for a Scholar Incentive Award. A Scholar Incentive Award may not be held concurrently with a Fellowship Leave. Applications may be downloaded from the Human Resources Forms website (look under Applications). For additional guidelines and deadlines, please refer to the 2024 - 2025 Fellowship Leave and Scholar Incentive Award Procedures Memo
Learn More About Scholar Incentive AwardsAdditional Resources
Office of Research
At Hunter, learning and creativity blend together at the college's many research centers and institutes. Our faculty, engaged in cutting edge and high-tech research, are well known for their scholarly pursuits and have been repeatedly recognized for their contributions to advancing basic and translational knowledge. Their research and outputs are being conducted and generated right here at Hunter.
Learn More About the Office of ResearchFoundation Directory Online
The Foundation Directory Online is the leading licensed resource for finding funding opportunities. The database offers complete profiles of the top 20,000 U. S. foundations, various public charities, and corporate giving programs. You can also view current RFPs and recent foundation news, conduct searches by subject and recipient type, and see descriptions of recent grants.
Learn More About Foundation Directory OnlineCenter for Nursing Research (CNR)
The Center for Nursing Research (CNR) facilitates the design, implementation, and dissemination of faculty research in the Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing and Schools of Health Professions. The CNR also provides assistance to Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing and Health Professions faculty working on curriculum development, workforce development/training, and equipment/resource grants. The CNR encourages the appointment of student researchers to work with faculty.
Learn More About the Center for Nursing Research (CNR)Pivot
Pivot has been recognized as a global leader that provides unmatched tools for discovering funding opportunities and supporting collaboration in the research development field. Pivot answers the growing demands on research developers to quickly discover the right funding opportunities and effectively collaborate with their colleagues. Designed for faculty, staff researchers, and graduate students, it's intuitive and easily implemented.
Learn More About Pivot