Dr. Michael Steiper is a biological anthropologist and professor in the Department of Anthropology. His interests broadly relate to human and primate evolution.
Dr. Steiper's research focuses on topics including primate molecular evolution, the relationship between the fossil and genetic history of primates, and the interplay between skeletal and genetic variation. While he mainly uses genetic and bioinformatic techniques, he has also participated in paleontological expeditions on three continents.
In addition to his role as a professor of anthropology, Dr. Steiper serves as associate provost for academic success, institutional effectiveness and strategic analytics. He is interested in advancing equitable success among both students and faculty, as well as curricular innovation, academic planning, and ways of leveraging analytics to drive change in higher education.
He also served as inaugural director of the Human Biology Program, currently Hunter's second largest major, and led an active lab that examined several key questions in primate evolution and mentored students at all levels who are currently employed in academia and STEM.
Dr. Steiper obtained his PhD from Harvard University.