Agency Overview
Join over 200 non-profit and government agencies and elected officials in discovering the value of hosting a Roger Herz Public Service Scholar. By providing a learning opportunity for a Public Service Scholar, your agency receives the following benefits:
- For nine months, a scholar to staff projects important to your agency
- Quality policy and advocacy work
- A chance to influence the development of a new generation of public service leaders
- A dedicated advocate for your agency's mission, even after the placement ends
How It Works
PSSP selects up to 20 talented scholars to participate each year. We provide scholars with a stipend, academic credits, seminars on policy issues and support for the placement.
You provide strong supervision, one or more substantive policy-related projects and a positive learning environment for the scholar.
Scholars can and should perform a range of work that might include research, analysis, advocacy, organizing, community outreach, and other tasks critical to your agency's policy work. They should not be engaged in direct service to clients.
PSSP is competitive for scholars and agencies alike! Approximately 100 agencies will apply to host one of our 20 scholars.
Interview and Placement Process and Calendar
- Early April: Newly-admitted scholars review job descriptions
- Late April: Scholars contact 3-5 agencies to schedule interviews. Agencies schedule interviews promptly and submit placement preference to PSSP*
- Early June: Scholars and agencies notified of placements
- September: Placements begin mid-month and run through May
* Agencies may be contacted for interviews by multiple students. Agencies not selected for an interview are invited to re-apply for the next year.