Physical Activity Cards
All students, faculty, and staff interested in participating in recreational programs at Hunter College must obtain an electronic Physical Activity Card from the OneCard Office. You will then be granted access to recreational programing using your Hunter College OneCard.
Immunization Records no longer processes nor issues Physical Activity Cards. Physical exams, while still encouraged, are no longer required for participation in Hunter's recreation programs.
How to Get Your Physical Activity Card
- Sign and submit the Assumption Of Risk And Waiver Of Liability Form.
- If you are under the age of 18, your parent or guardian must fill out page 3 of this form and email it to
- You will be issued PAC access within 24–48 hours.
- These forms will remain on file in the OneCard Office.
- Hunter College students, faculty and staff are eligible for an electronic Physical Activity Card
- Not eligible: Students from I.E.L.I., College Now, Senior Auditors, Hunter High School, or enrolled in other summer or temporary programs.
- Not eligible: CUNY students who are not part of the Hunter College community.
- Any questions regarding eligibility can be directed to the OneCard Office at 212-650-3191.
For More Information
- Visit the Athletics and Recreation PAC webpage.
- Call or visit the OneCard Office at 212-650-3191, located in 203 West Building.
- Call or visit the Athletics and Recreation Office at 212-772-4912 located in WB315, West Building.