Donna T. Haverty-Stacke is a Professor of History and Roosevelt House Faculty Associate at Hunter College, CUNY where she teaches courses in U.S. cultural, urban, and labor history. She received her BA in American Studies from Georgetown University in May 1994. As the recipient of the Joseph L. Allbritton Scholarship, she studied at Brasenose College, Oxford University where she earned an MSt in Historical Research in 1995 and an MLitt in Modern History in 1997. She then attended Cornell University, where she graduated with a PhD in History in May 2003.
Haverty-Stacke is the author of America’s Forgotten Holiday: May Day and Nationalism, 1867 – 1960 (NYU Press, 2009), Trotskyists on Trial: Free Speech and Political Persecution Since the Age of FDR (NYU Press, 2015) and The Fierce Life of Grace Holmes Carlson: Catholic, Socialist, Feminist (NYU Press, fall 2020). She is co-editor with Daniel Walkowitz of Rethinking U.S. Labor History: Essays on the Working-Class Experience, 1756 - 2009 (The Continuum International Publishing Group, 2010). Haverty-Stacke has also published several articles on working-class and radical political culture, including “‘Punishment of Mere Political Advocacy’: The FBI, Teamsters Local 544 and the Origins of the 1941 Smith Act Case” in The Journal of American History, June 2013. She has presented papers at numerous seminars and conferences, including the American Historical Association’s annual meetings, the Organization of American Historians annual meetings, the North American Labor History conference, and the Labor and Working-Class History Association’s annual meetings. From 2013 to 2018 she co-directed with Eduardo Contreras, the Labor and Working-Class History Seminar at Roosevelt House. She is currently working on a history of the Federal Industrial Reformatory for Women at Alderson, West Virginia that focuses on coerced labor, gender, and the experiences of women political prisoners in the early to mid-twentieth century.