About Sigma Theta Tau
Chartered in 1970, the Alpha Phi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International is the 43rd chapter of the honor society of nursing. We are based at the School of Nursing at Hunter College of the City University of New York. Our chapter has approximately 470 active members in 18 states here in the US and abroad. We value your active membership, so please remember to renew your nursing honor society membership and update your contact information so that we can continue to connect with you electronically and in person. Our chapter maintains a moderated listserv as a way of keeping everyone connected and informed of our chapter events and honor society activities. We support the STTI's vision of leading globally through knowledge, leadership, and service.
The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the learning, knowledge, and professional development of nurses committed to making a difference in health worldwide. Founded in 1922 by six nurses at the Indiana University Training School for Nurses, now the Indiana University School of Nursing, in Indianapolis, Indiana. The founders chose the name from the Greek words Storgé, Tharsos and Timé meaning "love," "courage" and "honor."
Today, Sigma Theta Tau International has more than 130,000 active members residing in 86 countries. Members include practicing nurses, instructors, researchers, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and others. The honor society's 469 chapters are located at 586 institutions of higher education throughout Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Ghana, Hong Kong, Japan, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, The Netherlands, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Swaziland, Sweden, Taiwan, Tanzania, the United States and Wales.