Frequently Asked Questions
Are the due dates different for new/incoming generic and accelerated students compared to returning (2nd-year, 3rd-year, etc.) students?
- Yes—these dates are highlighted in green on page 1 of the forms. Follow those due dates. CastleBranch may show an item as overdue, but you should follow the due date we provide. The system shows the due date that applies to most students.
I am a returning student, what do I need to do for the upcoming semester?
- You must log into your MyCB (CastleBranch) account and ensure all documents are up to date for the August 3rd deadline. Note the items that will be expiring and ensure you renew them before their expiration dates. Flu vaccines will be due August 26th because they CANNOT be completed by Aug 3rd (flu vaccine is not available at that time). Your annual physical must be completed following 365 days from your previous annual physical, you may have to contact your insurance company and health care provider to make sure it is covered.
Incomplete Physical Exam Forms
- The Physical Exam (PE) form is on pages 3-8; you must complete and submit the entire form. The header needs to be filled out correctly and completely on each page (name, email address, semester, etc.).
- Make sure your provider signs the form in each area where required (they are busy and may forget). Your form will be rejected if not signed in each area where required.
How do I check that my PE form was submitted successfully?
- After submitting the PE form, check your MyCB dashboard to ensure that it shows "Pending Review" next to the uploaded document.
- If you do not see the PE document listed in your dashboard, there was an error when uploading. CastleBranch only accepts documents up to 5MB in size. If your document is larger than 5MB, it will not upload (pop-up blockers or uploading from your phone may prevent the error message from appearing).
- Upload the file from your computer instead of a phone, scan your documents in black & white instead of color, or reach out to the Clinical Clearance Manager for assistance. Opening the scanned file and printing to PDF (to create a new PDF) may also reduce the file size.
Why were my titers/vaccinations/screenings rejected in my PE?
- If a form states actual titers, you must attach the actual titer lab reports (Hep B, Hep C, MMR, Varicella, etc.), no exceptions. Asking your provider to indicate when something was done (without including the actual titer reports) is not acceptable.
- When submitting your titer lab reports, make sure each report contains the "Reference Range" for comparison to your results and the date of the test/results.
- You must submit the actual lab report for Quantiferon, but remember it is NOT an annual requirement. If your Quantiferon or PPD are positive, you will need a chest x-ray and a note from your provider clearing you of active pulmonary disease.
- Do not submit the TB questionnaire separately from the rest of the Physical Exam form (remember, the PE form is from pages 3-8).
- Influenza vaccination is due September 1 for everyone except generic students during their first year. For the flu vaccine you MUST MAKE SURE THE LOT NUMBER IS LISTED. Do not leave the location where you obtained your flu vaccine without checking that the lot number is listed on your documentation.
What is a titer?
- It is a lab report that shows the results of a blood test for the presence of antibodies in the blood. It is how we evaluate immunity.
Other Issues and Support
- Make sure you submit documentation with the expiration date clearly listed for requirements such as NSNA membership and CPR.
- If you have any issues with your Background Check, please contact CastleBranch directly. Click on the section labelled, "I Need Student Support" and use the MyCB phone number (not the MyCB Bridges).