Dr. Ashley Z. Ritter is an assistant professor at the Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing at Hunter College of The City University of New York. She is an experienced nurse practitioner and translational research scientist who has made extensive contributions to the knowledge and practice of caring for older people.
With over two decades of experience in clinical, academic, and community-based settings, Dr. Ritter has developed a proven track record of engaging stakeholders to address the challenges and complex health needs of older people across diverse settings. Her expertise extends to a wide range of areas, including community-engagement, implementation science, mixed methodology, and multidisciplinary teams.
In addition to her clinical and research contributions, Dr. Ritter is an advocate for social justice and healthcare equity. She approaches her work with a keen understanding that building healthy communities with appropriate services requires an intentional pairing of science with systems reform. Dr. Ritter is also the Co-Founder and prior CEO of Those Nerdy Girls, an award-winning non-profit science communication platform started during the COVID-19 pandemic providing factual, practical information to guide health decisions on topics including aging, mental health, reproductive health, information literacy, and other health issues via social media outlets.