Useful Links for Researchers
Health Professions Education Center (HPEC)
Besides operating as an academic learning center and providing audiovisual support at Brookdale, HPEC works with faculty to integrate specialized instructional technology into their research projects and grant proposals.
Office of Research Administration (ORA)
Works with faculty on the review, institutional approval, and submission of proposals to government and private agencies, the interpretation of Research Foundation policies, the review of all grant-funded personnel appointments, and the dissemination of information on grant opportunities. ORA also serves as the campus representative of RF CUNY, the fiscal agent for grant and contract awards.
Research Foundation of CUNY
For HR and fiscal management of funded projects. Their site also offers extensive resources for principal investigators and grantees.
PSC-CUNY Research Award Program
The Professional Staff Congress - City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) Research Award Program was established as a major vehicle to encourage and support faculty research.
Institutional Review Board
Hunter College IRB, including access to forms, information on deadlines, and access to trainings and educational materials relating to research with human subjects.
Citation Tools (Hunter College Library)
Keep your references organized in one place and access them from anywhere using popular citation tools such as RefWorks, EndNote, Mendeley, or Zotero.