Our Partners
Currently, HCLPP is a partnership between Hunter College and two urban high schools: Vanguard High School and Harlem Renaissance High School. We conduct programming during the school day, after school and during the summer. The majority of the day and after-school programming is done on site at our two partner schools. Various workshops, activities and summer programming take place on the Hunter campus in order to expose students to a college environment.
HCLPP is able to utilize several key partnerships to provide quality programming to our students. The Columbia University School of Social Work provides graduate interns that provide clinical counseling, group facilitation and workshops to our youth during the school day. The Mt. Sinai Adolescent Health Center serves as a vital referral for our youth for health and mental health needs, and also provides clinical trainings to our graduate interns. We are also able to utilize several key departments within Hunter College to provide workshops and trainings to our youth in admissions, financial aid, technology and career development.