About Our Program
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation established The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) program in 1988, and Hunter College is proud to have been one of the first institutions to have participated. Student applicants to the Hunter MMUF program will be evaluated on the basis of their prior coursework, their plans for a major, and their potential to bring historically marginalized or underrepresented perspectives to the academy. Hunter’s MMUF program supports undergraduate students, who are studying in core fields in the humanities and social sciences, to conduct interdisciplinary research on campus or elsewhere throughout the summer and academic year for two years. The MMUF program provides students with faculty mentoring, professional development, and with application preparation for graduate study in a PhD program related to their research field of interest.
Named after Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, the noted African American educator, statesman, minister and former president of Morehouse College, Hunter's MMUF program provides students studying in these fields with the opportunity to conduct scholarly research throughout the summer and academic year for two years. Through workshops, conferences, faculty mentoring and more, the program works to encourage young scholars to enter PhD programs that prepare them for professorial careers.