The following courses will be taken by all Dietetic Interns. Students will register for NUTR 700 and NUTR 701 in the fall, and for NUTR 702 and NUTR 703 for the spring.The DI seminar course, which meets weekly during the Fall and Spring semesters, is designed to provide didactic experiences that support and enrich the supervised practice component of the Dietetic Internship.
NUTR 700
Seminar in Dietetics Practice
Discussions and presentations of topics of current interest in the practice of dietetics and public health nutrition. This course meets weekly during the fall and spring semester.
NUTR 701
Pre-Professional Practice in Dietetics Clinical
Supervised Externship in clinical dietetics, and classroom discussions of readings and field experiences.
NUTR 702
Pre-Professional Practice in Dietetics: Food Service
Supervised Externship in food service and personnel management, and classroom discussions of readings and field experiences.
NUTR 703
Pre-Professional Practice in Dietetics: Community
Supervised Externship in community nutrition, and classroom discussions of readings and field experience