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Agendas and Minutes 1971-1972

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Minutes Resolutions passed governing reports by the Administrative Committee following meetings with any administrator; stemming from concerns about meetings between the Administrative Committee and the President regarding authorizing the Henderson Rules. Procedures established for electing the Administrative Committee. Motion carried directing Nominating Committee to prioritize staffing committees with Senate members, though non-members may also serve. Motions carried concerning presentation of slates for staffing committees to coincide with elections from Student Government. Resolution on filling the 10 alumni seats deferred. Revised bylaws for the Evening Session Council adopted. Elections for Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary. Elections for membership for Nominating Committee: nominations occurred on the floor, but the election was moved to a ballot by mail. Committee reports: UARC (motion on admission requirements for students in the Training the Teachers of Teachers program passed; motion on allowing departmental policy committees to determine grading systems for majors defeated; some motions on credit/no credit/honors policies carried and others were presented without vote prior to adjournment; clarified 10-30-72). Meeting adjourned when quorum was lost.
5-11-72 Minutes Special meeting to consider curriculum reports and matters previously referred to UARC. Motion passed on freshman seminar. Call for a quorum resulted in a 10 minute recess after which the meeting was adjourned due to lack of a quorum.
5-8-72 Minutes Committee on the Calendar formed. Ad hoc Committee on Facilities adopted as regular committee; Nominating charged to fill. Committee reports: Student Standing (approval of list of graduates); Departmental Governance (approval of bylaws for Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Classics, Health and Physical Education, Mathematics, and Philosophy; Sociology and Academic Skills deferred; English and Black and Puerto Rican Studies postponed; extension granted to the Institute of Health Sciences); UCSC (curriculum items approved, some postponed because materials were delayed).
Minutes Extensive discussion of the calendar: elimination of Veteran’s Day holiday, agreement to form a Committee on the Calendar. Ad hoc committee reports: Faculty Services (mail rooms); Environment (charged with making more specific recommendations). Committee reports: Teaching Evaluation (results completed for prior semester; motion from floor defeated to allow experimental courses to devise their own questionnaires); Departmental Governance (approval of bylaws for Music, Anthropology, Economics, and Nursing Education; extension granted to Academic Skills). Postponement of report of the Committee on the Rules.
Minutes Extensive discussion of the calendar. Successful motion to form a committee to adopt rules for Senate meetings. Committee reports: GCSARC (motion carried to grant the Master’s degree in course for all students in CUNY doctoral programs, attending through Hunter); UCSC (approved curriculum items); Budget (authorized to poll the College on savings measures); Departmental Governance (approved bylaws for Educational Foundations, Geology and Geography, and Political Science; conditional approval of bylaws for Psychology); Nominating (filling various vacancies).
Minutes Meeting devoted entirely to discussion of the Master Plan. Report by the Master Plan Committee. Successful motion to add discussion of graduate education. Additional modifications approved on sections pertaining to: Role of the College, Research and Productivity, Student Support Services, SEEK Counseling, Research.
Minutes Senate Administrative Committee reported meeting with Executive Committee of the General Faculty and students to discuss the budget crisis with the president. Search committees announced for five deanships and the Assistant Vice President for Health Affairs. Committee reports: Student Standing (on various items pertaining to credit/no credit rules; through motions the matters were referred to UARC); Departmental Governance (adoption of bylaws for German, Home Economics, History, and Business Education; approval of model bylaws); UCSC (course proposals approved); GCSARC (course proposals approved). Ombudsman elections (2 rounds). Student representative successfully moved that UCSC reexamine the physical education requirement that is part of the Basic Prescription and report at the March meeting.
12-16-71 Minutes Motion carried concerning student eligibility for participation in student government. Discussion and debate concerning what constitutes a quorum and whether and when to consider a seat abandoned . Motion carried concerning the role of positive teaching evaluations in reappointment decisions. Committee reports: Student Standing, UCSC (presented rules and regulations for internships and apprenticeships, adopted); Nominating; Departmental Governance (adoption of bylaws for Physics & Astronomy, Curriculum & Teaching, Romance Languages, Theatre & Cinema, Urban Affairs, Communications, and the governance structure of the School of Social Work; authorization to develop model bylaws); GCSAR (in addition to curriculum report, motion to eliminate foreign language requirement for M.A. in Communication Science defeated); Master Plan (first draft of college Master Plan forthcoming, to be distributed for discussion and correction and then filed with the Board of Higher Education). Further discussion of Ombudsman election procedures.
12-1-71 Minutes Members of ad hoc committees announced: Faculty Services, the Environment, Bookstore, Cafeteria. Procedures announced for distribution of teaching evaluations. Discussion of security memo concerns permission letters for entry to the college on off-hours. Committee reports: GCSARC (motion carried to permit undergraduate students to take graduate courses when recommended by their departments and divisional deans’ offices); UCSC (independent study recommendations adopted with emendations; creation of Jewish Social Studies Program; passed resolution on creating a special relationship between Hunter and the New York Shakespeare Festival; motion to endorse open hearing on possible changes to the basic prescription failed to come to a vote).
11-24-71 Minutes Quorum failed. Special meeting set for December 1, 1971. Appendix (11-15-71): UCSC experimental courses for spring 1972
10-26-71 Minutes Committee reports: Teaching Evaluation (resolution carried to adopt core questions; resolution carried to deposit teaching evaluation results in the library); Update on ad hoc committees on duplicating services and faculty mailroom; Motion defeated to declare that the president acted outside her authority when invalidating the student government elections. Motion carried to create a committee on sessional equality. Chair of Nominating committee elected. 
9-27-71 Minutes Procedures for special elections for filling vacant and abandoned seats. Senate office to be located in 626 Elementary School Library. Motion carried to authorize the Administrative Committee to create ad hoc committees on community services. Committee reports: Master Plan (alumni association members, deadline for submitting items for the committee guidelines); Nominating; UCSC (independent study proposal returned to the committee); Teaching Evaluation (motion failed to adopt core questions, returned to the committee).
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