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Agendas and Minutes 1983-1984

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05-16-84 Minutes

President reported on the year’s winners for the Presidential awards, Evening Session, food services, fundraising, and budget. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approval of senate meeting schedule for 1984-85 and election of Senate Officers); UARC (resolution to rescind 1973 resolution denying credit for remedial courses and capping the credits students can earn in developmental courses was accepted).


Chair announced that this was a special meeting to enable the Senate to finish all business carried over from last meeting. Committee Reports: Evening Session Council (resolution passed to ask President to retain title of Associate Dean for Evening Session); GARC (two letters for approval regarding student academic standing were approved).


President reported on the budget and its relationship with a 4-day work week proposal. Ombudsman reported the screening issues that allow students to register for classes which meet at the same time. He brought up issues that still surround requirements for ABS and INC grades and Cr/NCr framework. Committee Reports: Calendar Committee (resolution to adopted 4-day summer schedule accepted as amended; revised 1984-85 Calendar Proposal was accepted as amended, Appendix II).


Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Calendar Committee (broke into a committee of the whole to discuss 4-day summer session concerns raised about closing the library on Fridays, faculty access to their offices, as well as possible damage to computers if building not adequately air-conditioned).


President reported on search committees and the current political climate concerning the budget. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Calendar Committee (presented informational update on the calendar).


Provost LeMelle and Vice President Tesoriero took questions on locked entrance doors, North Building elevators, orders from cafeteria, and waiting time for duplicating services. Ombudsman reported on a variety of issues such as student grade appeals, English Proficiency for handicapped and dyslexic students, and the new copyright provisions of the Research Foundation-CUNY. Committee Reports: Departmental Governance Committee (approved revised bylaws of the Department of Classical and Oriental Studies); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); UCSC (amended report accepted on departmental review of remedial/developmental course credit). New Business: A request was made that the Senate concern itself with the duplication services issue. Vice President Tesoriero explained that this year there was an extraordinarily heavy demand for the services, which lead to machine breakdowns. Also new copiers for many departments for smaller jobs will be delivered soon.

12-07-83 Minutes

President provided reports on the College Calendar system, January 19th Celebration, Budget, and Faculty and Staff Dining Facilities, Appendix II. President Shalala and Prof. Susan Lees, President of the Faculty Delegate Assembly, took questions on Faculty/Staff Dining Facilities. Provost reported on the status of remedial course credits, Appendix III. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Calendar Committee (report on using the 13-week calendar for one more year carried, Appendix IV; Proposed Change in Evening Bell Schedule was accepted as revised).


Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies).


Provost provided a Progress Report on Remedial Course Credits. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (announced the appointed membership for the Provost search; informed the Senate that a letter was sent to the President denouncing the proposed bylaws for a Faculty Club and asked for a formal meeting); UARC (presented the “R” Grade requirement and after a lengthy discussion and amendments carried); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Selected Committee on the Distribution Requirement (provided an informational progress report).


President welcomed everyone back and presented a report on enrollment, budget, and Evening Session matters, Appendix II & III. Ombudsman reported that the Cr/NCr issues still persists and he covered complaints that students came to him regarding instruction and the new facilities. Vice President Tesoriero provided a report on the new buildings. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (“Recommended Procedures for the Election of the Search Committee for Provost” were adopted and elections held, Appendix IV).


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