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Agendas and Minutes 1973-1974

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5-21-74 Minutes Administrative Committee elections. Report by the Sub-Committee on Senate Elections highlighted need for better communication with students. Committee reports: UARC and Student Standing (adoption of list of candidates for degrees; proposal for procedures for academic dishonesty was tabled); UCSC (curriculum approvals); Report on Veterans’ requests for “blanket credits” (Appendix II); various options were considered, but the meeting adjourned due to lack of quorum prior to settling the matter.
5-7-74 Minutes

President Wexler congratulated the Senate for having persevered through a year of hard work with many trials and tribulations. Ombudsman reported on the progress of the Senate Sub-committee on Elections. Committee Reports: UCSC (approved curriculum proposals); GCSC (approved curriculum proposals); Committee on Student Standing (approved procedures followed in granting a degree at Hunter, Appendix III); Committee on Sessional Equality (approved resolutions on needs of evening session in reallocating lines that are freed by retirements, urge departments to continue efforts to make it possible to complete degree in a reasonable time, and continuation of improved services for evening hours).

4-30-74 Minutes Committee reports: Nominating (filled committee vacancies); Departmental Governance (approved bylaws from the Departments of Nursing and Music); Facilities and Services (motion on requiring all windows to open defeated, motion carried to require the Facilities and Services committee to “interact and/or negotiate with” the administration concerning the development of new facilities); Student Grievances; Registration Procedures (report attached as Appendix II); Sessional Equality (proposals for procedures and policies unable to come to a vote due to loss of quorum). Meeting adjourned due to lack of quorum.
4-16-74 Minutes Report from the President included comments about CUNY budget; admissions in light of open admissions and in terms of “integration of Black and Puerto Rican students” in CUNY generally and at Hunter, specifically. Discussion of Distinguished Professor selection process. Report by the Ombudsman included an update on the charter review process and Senate elections. Committee on the Budget presented (Appendix II). Administrative Committee report included discussion of distinguishing duties between Departmental Governance and the Ombudsman. Discussion of whether the Administrative Committee has a responsibility to distribute a report 10 days prior to a Senate meeting. Committee reports: UCSC (curriculum approvals; resolution carried on handling experimental courses with sufficient time to inform students). Meeting adjourned due to lack of quorum.
3-26-74 Minutes

Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (presented report on Senate election procedures; approved Proposal on Curriculum Revision-Basic Prescription); joint UARC and Student Standing Committee (approved resolution directing Registrar to change CR or NCR grades on transcripts to C and F); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies and approved resolution allowing nominating committee to declare seats vacant after continued absence of a member). 

Minutes Report by the President included updates on buildings and searches; comments on Hunter’s prerogative to set its own calendar and the state budget; praise for the work of the Ombudsman and Charter Review. Report by the Ombudsman included efforts at communication, his role in implementing charter review, and statistical data about cases. Types and examples of cases are provided along with description of the role of the office. A representative of the Hunter Veterans’ Association presented a resolution to close the college on the upcoming Veteran’s Day (passed) and the body selected a replacement date.  Administrative Committee report: Ad Hoc Committee on Student Grievances staffed, discussion of Senate election procedures. Committee reports: Graduate Course of Study (curriculum approvals); Nominating (committee vacancies filled); Teaching Evaluation (unable to meet due to attendance problems). Discussion of attendance problems. Students brought a resolution on “Curricular Revision for B.S. and B.A. Degree”; after discussion, referred to UCSC with request to report back at the next meeting. Meeting adjourned due to lack of quorum.
Minutes Report by the President in absentia: shared sentiment of praise for UCSC and commented on Senate attendance and Charter Review. Administrative Committee report: a report on computerizing Senate elections was delayed but is coming; announcement of membership for the newly formed Ad Hoc Committee on the Calendar; calendar of Senate meetings for Fall 1974 presented and passed; Motion by a student government representative to authorize the Administrative Committee to establish an ad hoc Committee on Financial Aid passed. Committee reports: Graduate Course of Study (failed to have a voting quorum and could not complete their business; attendance matters presented to the Senate); Nominating (elections for committee vacancies); Registration Procedures (five resolutions concerning preparation of the schedule of classes and transcript records for classes dropped in the first week—all passed). Resolution to require the Ombudsman to report monthly passed.
Minutes No reports by the President or Administrative Committee. This “overflow meeting” was scheduled to finalize curriculum matters passed by UCSC. The items were approved, and the Senate expressed its appreciation for the work of UCSC and the News office, which produced the catalog.
1-08-74 Minutes Report by the President indicated no further update on the energy crisis; anticipating a new Board of Higher Education. Administrative Committee: announced membership of new Ad Hoc Committee on Transportation. Approval of the college calendar. Creation of an ad hoc committee on the calendar for the following year. Ceremonial adoption of list of candidates for graduation.
Minutes No reports from President or Administrative Committee. Committee Reports: UCSC (curriculum approvals); UARC and Student Standing (presented resolutions that carried concerning departmental prerogatives for limiting CR/NC options for student majors, and amending the form to ask students to indicate preferences when a D is earned). Dissolved into a Committee of Whole to discuss Charter Revision proposals.
12-11-73 Minutes Report by the President on the energy crisis. Administrative Committee report: Resolution carried to create an ad hoc committee on transportation between Hunter facilities. Committee Reports: Nominating (announcement of vacancies; recommendations on composition of committees and abolishing Committee on Honor Societies [matter postponed]); Graduate Course of Study (curriculum approvals); UCSC (curriculum approvals); Departmental Governance (amendments to bylaws of Departments of Theatre & Cinema and Geology & Geography). Discussion of relation between Senate and Office of Institutional Research with respect to teaching evaluations. Creation of Special Committee to Study a Student Bill of Rights.
11-13-73 Minutes Report by the President (Space and Facilities overview: Appendix II). Administrative Committee report: Resolution on “freedom on the floor” for Ombudsman carried; urged the body to create Select Committee on Academic Continuity with focus on policies pertaining to non-tenured faculty, including a focus on academic freedom, retention of faculty, continuity of program for students; brings resolution that carries to create the committee and a slate for membership (having consulted with Nominating in advance of the meeting); passes motion that routine curricular actions by UCSC accepted without debate; presented the Senate calendar for the spring semester; announcement of procedure for preferential registration for student senators. Committee reports: Nominating (filled vacancies); Committees on Registration (see Appendix III); UCSC (curriculum approvals with corrections, changes to Basic Prescription policies recommitted to the committee for clarification; experimental courses approved, debate concerning whether the matter was suitable for the floor).
10-23-73 Minutes Ninth round of election for Ombudsman yielded result. Elected Ombudsman announced his priority would be Charter Review. Nominating Committee Report (filled a vacancy on Nominating). 
10-9-73 Minutes Administrative Committee: read letter from the President into the record, since the president was unable to attend. President resigned her seat. Overview of space concerns and opportunities. Continuation of Ombudsman election with “IBM ballot-cards”. Committee reports: Nominating (filled a vacancy on Nominating). Creation of Special Committee on Registration Procedures. After the eighth round of voting for Ombudsman, no candidate had 2/3 majority. Meeting adjourned prior to ninth round.
9-25-73 Minutes

Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies).

9-11-73 Minutes Administrative Committee Report: Resolutions carried requiring UARC and Student Standing to continue to meet jointly, giving floor privileges to other groups (Student Government, General Faculty, PSC, etc.), giving floor privileges to the president even if s/he is not a member of the Senate. Discussion of relation between Senate and President. <<At this point, no Ombudsman has ever been elected.>> Next meeting to be devoted to filling committee vacancies and electing Ombudsman. Committee Reports: UCSC (curriculum approvals), Nominating (no report), Charter Review (seeking feedback).
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