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Agendas and Minutes 2018-2019




Agendas and Minutes

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May 8, 2019 Agenda, Minutes

Report by the President; Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Senate Meeting Schedule Fall 2019/Spring 2020, College Calendar for Fall 2019/Spring 2020, Resolution to Establish the Hunter College Program in Public Policy – approved, Ceremonial Adoption of Candidates for Graduation, Election of Senate Officers – Chair of the Senate, Vice Chair of the Senate, Secretary of the Senate and Chair of the Evening Council of the Senate), Committee on General Education and Undergraduate Course of Study Committee (Resolution on Hunter Focus Culture Courses – approved), Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee, Undergraduate Course of Study Committee and Graduate Course of Study & Academic Requirements Committee (Resolution on CUNY 4+1 Bachelor’s/Master’s Program – approved; Resolution to Accept the IETLS Exam – approved), Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (WU Policy and Revised Catalog Language – approved); Resolution of the Hunter College Senate of the City University of New York concerning New York State Funding for FY 2019-2020 (Approved).

May 1, 2019 Agenda, Minutes

Committees' Reports: Administrative Committee (Reminder about Establishment of Search Committee for Dean of the School of Nursing and School of Health Professions), Committee on Charter Review (Second reading of the proposed amendment to the Charter for Governance of Hunter College -Failed), Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (Resolution on International Students Taking Online Courses - Approved; Credit/No Credit Revised Policy - Approved), Governance Committee (By-Laws for Department of Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies - Approved; By-Laws for Department of Urban Policy and Planning - Approved), Committee on General Education and Committee on Evaluation and Assessment (Report on Recommendations on General Education Assessment). 

April 17, 2019 Agenda, Minutes

Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Report by Senate Vice Chair Noam Sohn regarding AccessAbility, Announcement to establish a Search Committee for Dean of the School of Nursing and School of Health Professions), Committee on Honors (Continued debate on Resolution Three from The Resolution on the Establishment of Honors Courses and Honors Course Sections – approved), Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations), Committees on Master Plan and the Library (Report on the library renovation - approved); Statement from Professor John Wallach concerning a Faculty Senate Caucus.

April 3, 2019 Agenda, Minutes

Update on the Middle States Evaluation Team Visit; Committee Reports: Committee on Undergraduate Academic Requirements (Resolution Naming the Hunter College Senate Chair the Hunter College Transfer Appeals Officer – approved), Committee on Charter Review (The first reading of the Charter for a Governance of Hunter College), Committee on Technology and Computing (Continued debate on the Addendum to the Statement of Institutional Learning Outcomes - approved), Committee on Honors (Debate on Resolution Three from the Resolution on the Establishment of Honors Courses and Honors Course Sections).

March 20, 2019 Agenda, Minutes

Report by the President - an update on the Hunter College Science and Health Professions building construction; Middle States Steering Committee – update on the upcoming Site Visit; Committee Reports: Master Plan Committee and Committee on the Library (Report on the renovation of the library), Committee on Computing and Technology (Debate on the Addendum to the Statement of Institutional Learning Outcomes).

March 6, 2019 Agenda, Minutes This meeting was canceled.
February 20, 2019 Agenda, Minutes

Update on the Middle States Work Groups for Standard VII; Committee Report: Administrative Committee (Update on CUNY Curriculum Approval Process), Workload and Unsponsored Research Resolution (Failed).

February 6, 2019 Agenda, Minutes

Report by the President; Update on the Middle States Work Groups for Standard VI; Committee Reports: Committee on the Budget (Academic Excellence Fee proposal for the MS-Integrated Program in Nutrition and Dietetics – approved), Committee on Master Plan and Committee on the Library (Due to the late hour, they were unable to report).

December 12, 2017 Agenda, Minutes

Report by the President, Presentation by Provost and Associate Provost; Update on the Middle States Work Groups for Standard V; Committee Reports: Committee on Undergraduate Course of Study (Procedures for Preparing and Submitting Curriculum Proposals for College Approval approved); Administrative Committee (Ceremonial Adoption of Candidates for Graduation), Committee on Honors (Resolution on the Establishment of Honors Courses and Honors Course Sections – Resolution Two approved, Resolution Three tabled).

November 28, 2018 Agenda, Minutes

Update on the Middle States Work Groups for Standard IV; Report by the HEO Forum; Committee Reports: Administrative Committee, Committee on Honors (Resolution on the Establishment of Honors Courses and Honors Course Sections – Resolution One approved). 

November 7, 2018 Agenda, Minutes

Report by the President; Update on the Middle States Work Groups for Standard III; Committee Reports: Administrative Report, Committee on Undergraduate Course of Study (Procedures for Preparing and Submitting Curriculum Proposals for College Approval), Committee on Undergraduate Academic Requirements (Reconsideration of Hunter Policies Related to Transfer Policy); Committee on Computing and Technology (Continued discussion on Technological Competencies at Hunter College).

October 24, 2018 Agenda, Minutes

Update on the Middle States Work Groups for Standard II; Report by the President; Report by the Office of AccessAbility; Committee Reports: Administrative Report (Results for Nominees for the Search Committee for Chief Liberian and Dean of the Library); Committee on Computing and Technology (Introduction of Technological Competencies at Hunter College).

October 10, 2018 Agenda, Minutes This meeting was canceled.
September 26, 2018 Agenda, Minutes

Update on the Middle States Work Groups for Standard I: Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Election of Nominees of the Search Committee for Chief Liberian and Dean of the Library and Voting Procedures); Committee on Governance (Resolution on Non-CCE Full-Time Lecturer Voting Rights – approved), Committee on Honors (update on the Committee’s work); Report by the Ombuds Office.

September 12, 2018 Agenda, Minutes

Report by the President; Update on the Middle States Evaluation; Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Election of Senate Committee Chairs, Announcement about accepting nominations for Search Committee for Chief Librarian, Revised Recommended Voting Procedures for Electing Search Committee, Resolution to Establish Ad-Hoc Classroom Accessibility Advisory Committee); Committee on the Budget; Committee on Honors (Motion to extend Committee on Honors' charge until the end of the Fall 2018 term - carried).

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