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Agendas and Minutes 1996-1997

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05-21-97 Minutes

President reported on personnel/budget matters and faculty/student issues surrounding academic freedom and integrity, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (election of Senate Officers; amendment of College-wide Search Procedures to add Dean of Research approved; election of Chair and Member Panel for Search Committee for Dean of Research).

05-19-97 Minutes

Agenda adopted with the sole item being the Provost’s Arts & Science Transitional Committee report, Appendix II.

05-14-97 Minutes

Agenda adopted with the sole item being the presentation of the Draft Self-Study Report 127 Years of Teaching, Research, and Service at Hunter College for the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association, Appendix II.

05-07-97 Minutes

President reported upcoming Middle States visit, personnel, and budget matters. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); UCSC (report on the waiver of the Pluralism and Diversity Requirement for Physical Therapy students).

04-16-97 Minutes

President reported on various upcoming college activities, budget, renovations, and proposed Dean of Research position. Vice President Gizis informed the Senate that Aramark, the college food service vendor, served notice that they will no longer provide service after 90 days, because they claim they are operating at a loss, Appendix III. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (reorganization of the Schools of Nursing and Health Sciences (informational report presented, Appendix VI).


President provided an update on the budget and the Office of Instructional Computing and Technology, Appendix II. Vice President Gizis reported on plans to improve services for students by making all transactions that involve the registrar, financial aid, and bursar take place in one area of the college. Committee Reports: Sub-committee on the CUNY Card (resolution expressing opposition to the proposed CUNY Card approved, Appendix III).


President reported on the current budget situation, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Calendar Committee (University-wide calendar for 1997-1998 presented, Appendix III); UARC (approved in principal the Implementation Plan of the One-Semster Remediation Policy, Appendix VI).


President Caputo gave his Second Annual State of the College Address, New Presidential Initiative for 1997-1998 and 1996 Presidential and College Initiative: An Update, Appendix II.


President reported on the proposed cut in the executive budget, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Proposed Transfer of Film Program and Renaming of Departments--Prof. Hampton presented Provost Schor’s statement on the proposed transfer of film faculty and CLT to the Communications Department and the new unit: Department of Film and Media Studies, Appendix III).


Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (resolution to find alternative measure of deterrence and not use peer-spray amended and approved); Joint Report by UARC & UCSC on Remediation (resolution delaying planned One-Semester Remediation policy and keeping ENGL 004 approved, Appendix II).


President provided a written report to the Senate, but gave updates on the presidential roundtables and his wiliness to always be available to meet with departmental faculty at any point, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Report on Hunter Security (Vice President Gizis and Acting Security Director Williams presented a report on Central Administrations Security Initiative, Appendix III); Select Committee on Distribution Requirement (presented a brief reported and took comments and questions from the Senate).

11-20-96 Minutes

President presented a long three part report on the CUNY Campaign, Alumni Chapter Visits, and the Reorganization Plan, Appendix II.

11-06-96 Minutes

President reported the political climate and budget, fundraising, faculty recruitment, and reorganization plans, Appendix II. Senate went into a quasi-Committee of the Whole for a discussion on the CUNY Card.

10-23-96 Minutes

President gave two separate on general college matters and the restructuring and reorganization proposals, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies).

10-02-96 Minutes

President reported on increased enrollment and undergraduate student aid. Vice President Gizis reported on repairs to the chiller for A/C units in the East and West Buildings and planning for a central cooling and heating plant for the College. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved reactivation of the Select Committee on the Distribution Requirement); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies). New Business: Senate went into quasi-Committee of the Whole to discuss Doctoral Program Planning and Doctoral Faculty Recruitment and approved recommendations for the President.


President reported on personnel matters and a variety of events happening at the college over the course of the Fall 1996 Semester. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (elected committee chairs). New Business: Status of Middle States Accreditation (summary statement provided by co-chairs of the steering committee, Appendix II).

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