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Agendas and Minutes 1984-1985

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Meeting Agendas


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President reported on budget, personnel, articulation, and senate charter matters, Appendix II. Ombudsman provided an overview of the cases that he has dealt with the past year and thanked the college for the opportunity to serve in this capacity for the past 6 years, Appendix III. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (election of Ombudsman and Senate Offices took place); Charter Review Committee (presented the third reading of proposed amendments to Articles III Section 1, VII Section 5, and XIII new Sections 13 and 14; last amendment was to remove sexist language as submitted); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); UCSC (resolution on Independent Learning by Achievement Contract was approved). Old Business: resolution to have the Charter Review Committee report at the earliest date on changes to the charter to address school with dean and programs that are not departments carried.


Special Meeting of the Senate to continue the Discussion on the Report by the Select Committee on the Distribution Requirement. Resolutions 2 & 3 were presented and after a lengthy discussion and many amendments, were approved as amended, Appendix II.


President reported that there was no news on the budget and that she would be meeting with CUNY Central representatives. Committee Reports: Select Committee on the Distribution Requirement (resolution on changes to the Distribution Requirement was amended and discussion suspended); Charter Review Committee (presented the second reading for amendments to Articles III, VIII, & XIII); Budget Committee (presented a letter to be sent to the Chancellor calling on him to provide more funding lines to the college due to the early retirement program was unanimously endorsed).

4-24-85 Minutes

Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (presented Membership on Advisory Committee on Campus Safety and Security and elected Faculty Panel for Membership on College Association); GARC (revision of appeal procedures and two policies on dismissal and probation were approved as revised).


Provost reported on the budget ad college calendar. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (resolution to establish an Advisory Committee on Campus Safety and Security carried; Dr. Barbara Black, Director of Finance and Business Affairs assured the Administrative Committee during their meeting that she will review complaints regarding the bookstore with careful attention).


President reported that parts of the CUNY budget are in trouble in Albany, 127 teaching and support positions have been cut along with child care and a 10% cut in temporary service funds. She urged everyone to send night-letter telegrams to state Senators and Assembly Members. Ombudsman reported that he is currently examining departmental polices and faculty practices in regards to Cr/NCr and WU grades. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Committee on Evaluation of Academic Administrators (presented recommendation to form two subcommittees and membership to evaluate the Deans of Programs in Education and School of Social Work carried); UARC (resolution urging the CUNY Board of Trustees to reject any proposal that interferes with the college's right to maintain its own academic standard was approved as amended); Charter Review Committee (presented first reading of proposed amendments to the charter).


President reported that there are no major increases or decreases in the CUNY budget that would affect Hunter and that the current proposal includes special allocations for remedial courses, which the college plans to use to offer more in the summer to eliminate some backlog. Ombudsman reported focused on campus safety and security due to the growing impression that the security system and personnel are at best minimally adequate. Committee Reports: Calendar Committee (approved the 1985-85 and 1986-87 calendar proposals, Appendix II). New Business included a discussion on revising the rules for a second degree for returning students and a resolution passed expressing the Senate Chair write the President and manager of the College Bookstore expressing the Senates serious dissatisfaction over the performance of its services was approved.

12-05-84 Minutes

President reported on early retirement and how 900 of the 3500 eligible individuals have filed for it, and she currently has little information on budget talk from Albany. Ombudsman reported that students are appearing in large numbers with complaint about issues they are having in particular courses with faculty. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); GARC (amended report specifying appeals procedures for graduate students on probation, Appendix II); Calendar Committee (report accepted with recommendations for 13 weeks of classes and a week of final exams, Appendix III). Old Business: more discussion on the Select Committee’s report occurred.

11-21-84 Minutes

The Chair informed the body that the only item of business for the meeting would be the continuation of the report by the Select Committee on the Distribution Requirement. Chairs of the three division committees presented statements of their findings which were submitted to the Senate Select Committee. After the statements the floor was opened for general discussion.

11-07-84 Minutes

Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Select Committee on the Distribution Requirement (presented informational report titled “Where Do We Go from Here? A Proposed Framework for General Education at Hunter College”).


President welcomed everyone back and reported on the budget and the recently approved early retirement program. Ombudsman reported on complaints about bookstore practices on re-purchasing of textbooks and concerns surrounding the security policy and practices in the gymnasium and other areas.

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