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Agendas and Minutes 2021-2022




Agendas and Minutes

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May 25, 2022 Agenda
President's report; College Strategic Plan presentation, Committees' reports: Administrative Committee (Approved Curriculum Changes, Ad Hoc Committee on Senate Rules, Practices, and Procedures: Resolution to Revise and Extend Charge of the Ad Hoc Committee to Compile Senate Rules, Practices, and Procedures - Approved), Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (Resolution on Credit Sharing Policy at Hunter College - Failed), Committee on General Education and Committee on Academic Assessment and Evaluation (5-year Assessment Plan for General Education - Approved); the Select Committee on Student Success (Charges to The Select Committee on Student Success in the Transition Out of the COVID-19 Emergency - Recommitted to the committee); New Business: Reintroduction of the Resolution on Credit Sharing Policy at Hunter College. 
May 11, 2022 Agenda, Minutes Committees' reports: Administrative Committee (Approved Curriculum Changes, Senate Meeting Schedule Fall 2022/Spring 2023, College Calendar for Fall 2022/Spring 2023, Update on the college Strategic Plan, Resolution on Honoring Senators: Phil Alcabes and Shirley Raps - Approved, Ceremonial Adoption of Candidates for Graduation, Election of Officers), Committee on Charter Review (Third Reading of the proposed amendments to the Charter for the Governance of Hunter College - Approved); Adding Online and Hybrid Modes of Instruction Course Approval Process (Approved); Governance Committee (Draft of Guidelines for By-laws for Non-Departmental Academic Units), Committee on General Education (Presentation on recommended revisions to the Pluralism & Diversity requirement by the Curricular Enhancements Subcommittee of the Presidential Task Force on Racial Equity). 
May 4, 2022 Agenda, Minutes President's reports; Committees' reports: Administrative Committee (Adding Additional Senate Meeting in May, Update on CUNY FGL letter on CUNY grading memorandum, Announcement on FDA Presentation), Joined report by the Undergraduate Course of Study Committee and the Graduate Course of Study Committee regarding Modes of Instruction (Continued debate). 
April 13, 2022 Agenda, Minutes Committees' reports: Administrative Committee (Approved Curriculum Changes, Announcement about an additional Senate meeting, Update on CUNY May 2021 grading memorandum, Adjusting the Senate Meeting Times to the New Bell Schedule), Committee on Charter Review (Second Reading of the proposed amendments to the Charter for the Governance of Hunter College), Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations), Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (Resolution on Deadline Change to P/NC - Approved), Joined report by the Undergraduate Course of Study Committee and the Graduate Course of Study Committee regarding Modes of Instruction (Debate).  
March 30, 2022
March 16, 2022 Agenda, Minutes President's report, Committees' reports: Administrative Committee (Approved Curriculum Changes, Adjusting the Senate Meeting Times to the New Bell Schedule), Committee on Charter Review (First Reading of the proposed amendments to the Charter for the Governance of Hunter College), Committee on Academic Assessment & Evaluation and Committee on General Education (Assessment Summary Report, 2021-2022); New Business: Update on the CUNY grading memo, announcement about the next Senate meeting format. 
March 2, 2022 Agenda, Minutes Provost's report on the Advance Racial Equity Task Force; Committees' reports: Administrative Committee (Special Senate Election for Vacant At-large Seats, Approved Curriculum Changes, Election of Nominees of the Chair for the Search Committee for Dean of School of Nursing, Update on the CUNY Grading memo), Committee on Charter Review (Update on the Committee's work), Committee on General Education (Clarification on the catalog language regarding Hunter Focus), New Business: Discussion on an issue concerning the student-advisor ratio at Hunter College, Resolution to express a message of support for Ukraine (Approved). 
February 16, 2022 Agenda, Minutes President's report; Committees' reports: Administrative Committee (Special Senate Election for Vacant At-large Seats, Approved Curriculum Changes, Update on Search Committee for Dean of School of Nursing, CUNY Grading Definition Update), Committee on the Budget (Current report), Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations). 
February 2, 2022 Agenda, Minutes

The meeting was cancelled. 

December 8, 2021 Agenda, Minutes

President’s report; Committee’s report: Administrative Committee (Special Senate Election for Vacant At-large Seats, Approved Curriculum Changes, Report on Hunter College Senate Impact Survey, List of Candidates for Diplomas and Degrees).  

December 1, 2021 Agenda, Minutes

Committees’ reports: Administrative Committee (Update on Modes of Instruction, Update on Impact Survey); Committee on General Education (Resolution to Repeal the May 14, 2014, Resolution Restricting the Learning Outcomes for Courses in the CUNY Common Core Category of US Experience in Its Diversity – adopted); Charter Review Committee (Update on the Committee’s work).

November 10, 2021 Agenda, Minutes

Committee’s report: Administrative Committee (Election of Nominees for Search Committee for Vice President for Finance, Human Resources, and Business Development); Quasi-Committee of the Whole (Continued discussion on a draft resolution on Moving Forward on Modes of Instruction from the Pandemic Emergency).

October 27, 2021 Agenda, Minutes

President’s report; Committees’ reports: Administrative Committee (Approved Curriculum Changes, Reminder: Nominations for Search Committee for Vice President for Finance, Human Resources, and Business Development, Reminder: Complete survey, Request to change Senate meeting date); Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations); Committees on General Education & Academic Assessment and Evaluation (GER Flexible Core Assessment 2020/2021); Undergraduate Course of Study Committee (Moving on forward from the Pandemic – Modes of Instruction); Quasi-Committee of the Whole (Discussion on a draft resolution on Moving Forward on Modes of Instruction from the Pandemic Emergency – Draft October 21).

October 13, 2021 Agenda, Minutes

The meeting was cancelled.

September 29, 2021 Agenda, Minutes President’s report; Committees’ reports: Administrative Committee (Special Senate Election for Vacant At-large Seats, Report by Vice Chair on Student Caucus, Election of Committee Chairs, Proposed Change to College-Wide Search Procedures – adopted); Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations); Committee on the Budget (Overview on the current financial situation); Yearly report by the Ombuds Office.
September 8, 2021 Agenda, Minutes

The meeting was cancelled.

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