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Agendas and Minutes 1975-1976

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5-25-76 Minutes Special Meeting. Provost reported to the Senate on budget matters. Continuation of discussion, debate, and amendments to the resolutions presented by the Committee on English Composition Proficiency. The report and resolutions as amended were adopted by the Senate (Appendix II). UCSC (discussion and debate concerning the proposed Dance Curriculum; provost statement read into the record; matter referred back to UCSC).
Minutes Committee reports: Student Standing (ceremonial adoption of list of graduates for June, 1976); Committee on English Composition Proficiency (continuation of discussion of report presented May 11, 1976, postponed). Election of Senate officers. Two more rounds of voting for Ombudsman did not result in any candidate receiving the required number of votes, and the business was postponed until the second meeting in the fall.
Minutes Administrative Committee announced Special Meeting to occur on May 25, 1976. Committee reports: UCSC (approved curricular matters); Committee on English Composition Proficiency (revised report presented; eight resolutions on writing requirements, establishment of a writing center, and other policies pertaining to writing presented, although none passed).
Minutes Election of Ombudsman (did not yield result after 8 rounds; continued to the May 18th meeting).
Minutes Nominations for Ombudsman announced. Discussion of English composition proficiency examinations (proposal referred back to committee). GCSAR (approval of curricular items); UCSC (approval of some curricular items; others did not pass because of the new minimal vote requirement).
4-06-76 Minutes Report by the President on restructuring and budget considerations. Committee reports: Budget (brought resolutions, including one to permanently establish a Budget Committee; action postponed until fall); Procedures for Election of Ombudsman (procedures adopted: Appendix II); Teacher Evaluations (interim report presented). Administrative Committee reported on Board of Higher Education approval of the calendar for 1976-1977 with addition of two holidays; presented resolution on minimal vote requirement, which was adopted by the body. Adoption of resolution on Senate absenteeism. Report on foreign language proficiency examinations. Discussion of implementation of foreign language requirement in smaller language departments and inclusion of literature courses. Administrative Committee presented a memorandum on Charter Review and an appeal to the Board of Higher Education for allowance to change amendment procedures.
3-23-76 Minutes Election of new Vice Chair following resignation. Spring 1976 Senate calendar adopted. Voting procedures for Ombudsman election forthcoming. Committee reports: Budget (Committee of the whole discussion of report dated February 24, 1976); UARC (interim report on plus/minus grading). Discussion of establishing a “minimal vote requirement” to be added to the Senate rules of order; Administrative Committee to review and report back.
Minutes Committee reports: UCSC (curricular matters for regular and experimental courses passed; B.A. in Cinema Studies passed with addition of selection committee and steering committee; “Exploration in the Arts,” an existing course, added to the list of those satisfying the Distribution Requirement). Administrative Committee distributed a memorandum to propose a new method for expediting consideration and approval of curricular matters.
Minutes Provost reported for the President on budget negotiations. Administrative committee reported on ad hoc committees: Special Committee to Advise the Provost on a Hunter Response to the BHE Proposal for a New Trimester Plan, Committee in Charge of Senate Elections for Spring 1976. Statement on the proposed restructuring read into the record (particular concern about a proposed core curriculum and the role of the humanities therein) and then endorsed by the body. Resolutions facilitating participation in public discussion of restructuring plan and on the Senate calendar for spring 1977 passed. Committee reports:  Select Committee on the Office of the Ombudsman (Agreement with the President: Appendix II); UCSC (curricular matters presented; routine matters passed). Meeting adjourned due to loss of quorum.
Minutes Administrative committee reported to follow up on various actions by the body. Committee reports: Nominating (filled committee vacancies); Budget (presented part II of its report, for discussion later); English Composition Proficiency Committee (interim progress report); UARC (minimal progress requirements passed: Appendix II; motion passed to require all A.A. and A.S. students to satisfy the Distribution Requirement). Discussion and adoption of the Senate calendar for fall 1976.
12-16-75 Minutes Ceremonial adoption of list of candidates for graduation. Chair of Budget Committee announced report is forthcoming in February 1976. Committee reports: UCSC (approved curricular items, including BFA in Cinema; presentation, discussion, and amendment of “New Distribution Requirement Package”; motion to adopt as finally amended carried [Appendix III]); discussion of whether BA and BS students would have differing foreign language requirements concluded without action); UARC (report on rates of progress to degree; motion to adopt the report carried).
12-09-75 Minutes Brief report by the President concerning budget matters. Resolution passed on requiring the Chair to enforce the rules of order, including ejecting those who disrupt meetings. Report by Provost’s Advisory Committee on Budget Retrenchment (Appendix II). Continued discussion of foreign language requirement and administering proficiency exams (report accepted as amended, Appendix III). Committee reports: Nominating (filled committee vacancies); GCSARC (approved curricular items); UCSC (discussed and approved curricular items; BFA admissions criteria and selection committee discussed but did not come to vote). Meeting adjourned due to loss of quorum.
Minutes Report by Dean Weyl, chairing Charter Review following resignation of Ombudsman (need to work with Board of Higher Education on amendment procedures).  UCSC (amendments to literature and foreign language requirements passed; to be incorporated in a complete package of a new Distribution Requirement for presentation in December 1975); report on administering foreign language proficiency exams.
11-18-75 Minutes Report by the President delivered by the Provost (Appendix II). Resolutions passed on the budget crisis, including appeal to allow dismissed faculty to hold research titles to allow them access to facilities and services. Committee reports: UCSC (continued discussion of literature and foreign language requirements but no action taken). Meeting adjourned due to loss of quorum.
10-28-75 Minutes No reports by the President or Administrative Committee. Committee reports: Nominating (filled committee vacancies); UCSC (discussion of revisions to the Basic Prescription, including literature and foreign language study requirements). Meeting adjourned on a quorum call.
10-21-75 Minutes Report by the President with comments by the Provost (Appendix II: comments on Chancellor’s proposal for reorganization of the university, including budgetary matters and open admissions). Smoking at meetings prohibited because of fire codes for the assembly hall. Ombudsman election postponed until agreement can be reached with the president via a select committee. Committee reports: Nominating (filled committee vacancies); UCSC (approval of experimental courses, regular courses, and routine changes). Meeting adjourned when meeting time expired.
9-30-75 Minutes Letter of resignation of the Ombudsman accepted and motion passed to express appreciation to Professor Massa for his service. Presentation by a dean concerning campus safety and sexual assaults. Dean’s report (details in Appendix II) on how the administration handled increased student fees and deferral requests, and that change of program fees were dropped following the September 16, 1975, Senate meeting. Announcement of results of decisions for foreign language proficiency exams (Appendix III). Committee reports: Nominating (filled committee vacancies); Registration (discussion of draft report); UARC (presented motions for changes to admissions and statement of the goal of a Hunter education; both carried); UCSC (revised proposal for creating Women’s Studies program passed; other curricular matters approved and one was withdrawn).
9-16-75 Minutes Report by the President (Appendix II). Discussion and debate of resolution concerning refunding of student fees for course changes and tuition for courses canceled due to budget cuts. The matter was tabled and the chair agreed to personally present to President Wexler. Committee reports: Nominating (filled committee vacancies); Facilities and Services (presented report and moved that access to campus buildings be restricted to students, faculty, and staff except during public functions; motion was tabled to explore feasibility); GCSAR (curricular items passed): UCSC (curricular items passed; motion to create an interdisciplinary program in Women’s Studies was recommitted).

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