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Agendas and Minutes 1994-1995

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05-17-95 Minutes

Resolutions in honor of Professor Al Bennick and President Blanche D. Blank were approved with acclamation. President Blank reported that Hunter faculty has brought in over $25M in grants this past year and concluded by thanking everyone. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (election of Senate Officers; two resolution passed regarding Exception to Presidential Search Guidelines). Resolution by the Concerned Faculty and Staff of Hunter College passed. Resolution re: Essential Services approved as mended.

05-10-95 Minutes

President reported that there is still no news on a final budget. Committee Reports: UARC (approved College-wide Quantitative Reasoning Requirement, Appendix II); UCSC (approved resolution concerning the Creation, Consolidation, Merger and/or Abolition of Majors, Programs, Departments, or Disciplines).


President Blank reported that she has had lively conversations with the new President David Caputo and has sent him a lot of materials to bring him up to speed. Provost reported on the budget crisis and the two different packages that the New York State Assembly and Senate have proposed. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (election of Chair and Member Panel for the Search Committee for Vice President for Administration).


President provided an update on the current budget crisis. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Chair reported that a new President should be selected at the upcoming meeting and that the finalists have been interview); UCSC (approved the elimination of Category VII of the Distribution Requirement). New Business: resolution endorsing City Hall Rally to protest budget cuts approved as amended.


President reports on the grave budget situation and referred everyone to the memorandum that summarizes the situation. Committee Reports: Calendar Committee (approved the Proposed 1995-1996 & 1996-1997 College Calendars, Appendix II).


President shared the names of the five finalists who will be visiting the campus in the coming weeks and discussed the proposed budget cuts by the Governor. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved Revised College-wide Search Procedures, Appendix II); Professor Sherrill reported on the current budget crisis and then held a brief question and answer period.


Continuation of the Discussion of the Proposed Restructuring of the Department of Academic Skills (lengthy discussion and debate on a resolution presented was approved with amendments. Appendix II, III, and VI contain statements and final resolution).


President reported that the state has mandated a hiring freeze and the restructuring of the Department of Academic Skills. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Evening Session Council (approved resolution calling for equal resources for evening students). Senate went into a Committee of the Whole to discuss the Proposed Restructuring of the Department of Academic Skills.

11-02-94 Minutes

President reported on upcoming college events and the current space and crowding issues that the college is facing. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved resolution regarding Presence of Discriminatory Recruiters on Campus); the senate adopted the University Faculty Senates Statement regarding Proposed City Budget Cuts for Community Colleges. Resolution approved requesting the Administrative Committee to submit resolution to 80th Street protesting the Language Immersion Institute under consideration by the CUNY Board of Trustees.

10-12-94 Minutes

Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Professor Di Scipio re-elected Ombudsman of Hunter College); UCSC (approved resolution re: CUNY’S Interdisciplinary Program Initiative); Administrative Committee instructed to draft resolution for Senate consideration regarding the University Faculty Senate Resolution re: on-campus recruitment.


President reported that a new initiative call “burning Issues,” a weekly series of informal topical discussions with differing views would take place in the third floor cafeteria and encouraged everyone to attend. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (candidates for Ombudsman announced; Election of Chair and Member Panel for Dean of Social Sciences Search Committee and Chief Librarian held). Senate approved resolution calling for President Blank to report as legal counsel on how the procedures used for presidential searches in CUNY are governed by state law, CUNY bylaws, and other binding regulations.


President reported that she is working hard to clean up the environment and that sixty faculty members brought in new grants over the summer break. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (elected Chairs of the Nominating and Master Plan Committees; resolution passed calling for the Chancellor and her staff to answer on the failed search for president); Senate endorsement of a resolution passed by the Faculty Delegate Assembly calling for the Chancellor to not attend regular meetings of presidential search committees and to have the role of the Office of Executive Search and Evaluations be assessed carried.

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