Solving Registration Issues
Prerequisites and Permissions
Search the class and view its course notes for any special requirements such as membership in a student group or courses that you must have completed or be in the processing of completing this semester. If you meet the criteria and CUNYfirst does not allow registration, please reach out to the academic department offering your course directly. Only academic departments can issue course permissions. Visit the listed departmental website to locate their contact information.
Due to high volume, departments may take a few business days to respond to you. Please allow at least 72 business hours before following up.
Department Permission
If a course requires department permission, check to see if all sections require permission or only specific sections. If you meet all prerequisites and there is no student group requirement, contact the academic department directly.
If there is a hold on your account, you must visit the Student Center in CUNYfirst and resolve the listed holds under Holds. Clicking in each hold will tell you whether its blocking registration and what needs to be done to resolve the holds. Note that holds like Do Not Cancel, and No Late Fees have no effect on your ability to register.
You have not reached the date and time on which you can begin to register. To access this specific date and time please go to CUNYfirst, launch Schedule Builder and navigate to the term you are registering for. You will see the date and time next to the session you are registering for.
For example:
Regular Academic Session | Nov 10, 2024 2:00pm to Feb 4, 2021 11:59pm
First-year students cannot register for more than 17.5 credits.
We are unable to secure seats for students in closed courses. Please consider an alternative requirement such an outstanding Hunter Core, Hunter Focus, Pluralism & Diversity, and or language requirement as listed on your DegreeWorks page. Please also notify your Academic Advisor about the change for final approval.
If the course in question has filled your desired section, your enrollment will need to be in a section with remaining seats. Please also notify your Academic Advisor about the change for final approval.
We understand that you may have other scheduled obligations such as work but unfortunately are unable to enroll students into any closed courses or sections outside of those reflected on the registration booklet.
You must submit proof of MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccinations and the Meningococcal Vaccination Response Form if you are an incoming student taking 6 or more credits. Failure to comply will result in an Administrative Withdrawal grade from all classes.
Learn About Immunization RequirementsThe CUNY Registrars use these terms and definitions to indicate the different modes of instruction in a class. They may have specific requirements for attendance or different formats for submitting assignments.
Learn About Modes of InstructionHunter College accepts Advanced Placement (AP) for transfer credit.
College level transcripts must be sent to:
Transfer Course Evaluation
Office of Admissions
Hunter College
695 Park Avenue, Room 203 North
New York, NY 10065
AP Scores and Registering to Higher Level Classes
AP Scores are requested through College Board. Scores are usually released during the first week in July and then must be sent to us via the College Board. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions will need time to post them to your transcript.
Once your scores post to your transcript, you will then be able to swap into a higher level course as indicated by your AP results. Alternatively, academic departments may at their discretion accept an unofficial transcript to place you into a higher level course.
To check if we’ve posted your AP and or transfer credits you've already sent in, please follow these steps in CUNYfirst:
- Go to Student Center > Academics
- Select Transfer Credit Report
Learn more about Advanced Placement at AP Central / College Board
See the AP Exam Score ChartYou should be able to see your Financial Aid package on CUNYfirst after May 1.
In general, if your aid exceeds the cost of tuition and fees you can expect to receive a refund. How you use the refund is entirely up to you.
Communication regarding Work Study is sent out towards the end of August/beginning of September. Students receive a link to an online system where all the departments list their work study needs. If you are awarded Federal Work Study, you will be able to apply for any openings. The email will include the number of work hours you qualify for per semester. Be sure to check your spam/junk email.
View your Account in CUNYfirst