About The Program
Here at Hunter, we teach the Arabic that is used daily by more than two hundred million people, from Morocco in the West of the Arab World to Oman in the East. Arabic can broadly be divided into local spoken dialects and fusha, "the eloquent language." The former is the spoken language of everyday life, and the latter is the language of the media, academia, and formal occasions. Its contemporary version is sometimes called "Modern Standard Arabic (MSA)." In our classes, we focus on Modern Standard Arabic and introduce students to some basics of a variety of spoken dialects. We teach using a communicative approach. In other words, instead of focusing on translating written texts, we teach our students how to read, speak, write and aurally comprehend the language as it is used by native speakers, using authentic texts whenever possible.
At Hunter we firmly believe in the connection between language and culture. Thus we always strive to expose students to the cultural side of the Arab world in our language classes, in extracurricular activities, and in culture courses offered in English. We consider culture a fifth skill in addition to the four mentioned above. Outside of the Arab World itself, New York is arguably the best place to be for exposure to Arab culture. We keep our students abreast of local cultural and academic events related to Arabic and the Arab World and offer them extra credit to attend them. At Hunter we hold weekly Arabic hours (Wednesdays from 2:30 to 3:45) where students can practice their spoken Arabic and get help with their homework from Arabic instructors & peer tutors.
The successful completion of 4 semesters (ARB 101, 102, 201, 202) of Arabic at Hunter or the equivalent fulfills Hunter College’s language requirement.
We offer an Arabic placement/exemption exam several times a year. For more information please see our Placement and Exemption page:
Placement and Exemption PageThe Arabic Program at Hunter offers an Arabic Major and two Arabic Minors.