Japanese Language Courses
The Japanese language courses offered by the program include:
- Beginning (JPN 101, 102)
- Intermediate (JPN 201, 202)
- Intermediate Japanese Conversation (JPN 204.01)
- Intermediate Japanese Composition (JPN 204.02)
- Advanced (JPN 301, 302)
- Japanese Reading: Recitation and Comprehension (JPN 271)
- Japanese Business Communication and skills (JPN 30401)
- Japanese Food Culture (JPN 304.02)
- Japanese Linguistics: Pragmatics (JPN 404.01)
- Japanese Translation Seminar (JPN404.03)
- Introduction to Japanese Linguistics (404.04)
- Advanced Japanese Conversation (JPN 351.01)
- Independent Study- 1 credit (JPN 421.01)
- Independent Study- 1 credit (JPN 421.02)
- Independent Study- 3 credits (JPN 421.03)