Hunter College is a major center of Russian and Slavic studies in the City University of New York. It has by far the largest and most viable undergraduate program in Russian language and literature in CUNY, while also providing instruction in Polish language, literature and culture. In addition, other departments of the Divisions of Social Sciences and Humanities and the Arts also offer courses dealing with Russia and East Central Europe, which enhances our students’ knowledge of all things Russian.
We have by far the highest enrollment in Slavic within CUNY and the largest and richest curriculum in both language and literature. As a result we serve many students from our sister colleges: Baruch, CCNY, Brooklyn, Queens and Lehman.
The Division of Russian and Slavic Languages of the Department of Classical and Oriental Studies offers a rich curriculum designed for students who seek competence in spoken and written Russian or Polish as well as translation, and a solid background in and knowledge of Russian and Polish literature and culture. The important contributions being made by Russian scholars in chemistry, biology, mathematics, and other related fields make the study of Russian especially valuable to science majors.