Undergraduate Offerings
Course | Number | Credits | Instructor(s) |
Cell and Tissue Culture | MLS 45000 | 4 | TBA |
Independent Study - MLS | MLS 48001 | 1 | Chad Euler Shahana Mahajan Muktar Mahajan Francesco Lotti |
Independent Study - MLS | MLS 48002 | 2 | Chad Euler Shahana Mahajan Muktar Mahajan Francesco Lotti |
Independent Study - MLS | MLS 48003 | 3 | Chad Euler Shahana Mahajan Muktar Mahajan Francesco Lotti |
Honors | MLS 49000 | 3 | TBA |
Fdmntl Cncpt & Tech: Med Lab | MLSP 30000 | 3 | Joydeep Mitra |
Hematology | MLSP 34900 | 3 | Francesco Lotti |
Clinical Microbiology I | MLSP 35100 | 3 | TBA |
Clinical Biochemistry 2 | MLSP 35500 | 3.5 | Steven Einheber |
Comp & Data Pro Med Lab | MLSP 36100 | 3 | Richard Cupiola Ramana Gutala |
Professional Practice | MLSP 41000 | 3 | Shahana Mahajan |
Immunohematology | MLSP 43000 | 3 | Mirthal Alcala |
Senior Seminar | MLSP 45700 | 3 | Muktar Mahajan |
Course | Number | Session / Weeks | Credits | Instructor(s) |
Fdmntl Cncpt & Tech: Med Lab | MLSP 30000 | I / 8 | 3 | Hemant Sabharwal |
Course | Number | Credits | Instructor(s) |
Human Physiology | MLS 31200 | 3 | Joydeep Mitra |
Human Histology | MLS 34700 | 3 | Steven Einheber |
Immunology | MLS 46000 | 3 | Kareem Rumah |
Independent Study - MLS | MLS 48001 | 1 | Chad Euler Shahana Mahajan Muktar Mahajan Francesco Lotti |
Independent Study - MLS | MLS 48002 | 2 | Chad Euler Shahana Mahajan Muktar Mahajan Francesco Lotti |
Independent Study - MLS | MLS 48003 | 3 | Chad Euler Shahana Mahajan Muktar Mahajan Francesco Lotti |
Honors | MLS 49000 | 3 | Chad Euler |
Fdmntl Cncpt & Tech: Med Lab | MLSP 30000 | 3 | Joydeep Mitra |
Clinical Microbiology II | MLSP 35200 | 4 | Chad Euler |
Clinical Biochemistry I | MLSP 35400 | 3.5 | Francesco Lotti |
Comp & Data Pro Med Lab | MLSP 36100 | 3 | Richard Cupiola Ramana Gutala |
Topics: Biohazards & Emer Resp | MLSP 40066 | 3 | Philip Hauck |
Immunohematology | MLSP 43000 | 3 | Mirthal Alcala |
Senior Seminar | MLSP 45700 | 3 | Muktar Mahajan |
MLSP 300 Fundamental Concepts and Techniques in the Medical Laboratory
3 hrs, 3 cr
Prereq: BIOL 100, 102, CHEM 102, 103, 104, 105 or equivalent
Function of the medical laboratory, data analysis and operation of basic laboratory equipment.
MLS 312 Human Physiology: Integration and Control
3 hrs, 3 cr
Prereq: BIOL 100 and 102, CHEM 104, 105 or equivalent
Study of function at cellular, systemic, and organismic level, with emphasis on the integrated organism and associated control systems.
MLS 347 Human Histology
5 hrs (2 hr lecture, 3 hr lab), 3 cr
Coreq: MLS 312
Structure and function of normal human tissues and cells, including systemic study of microscopic morphology.
MLSP 349 Hematology
5 hrs (2 hr lecture, 3 hr lab), 3 cr
Prereq or Coreq: MLSP 300
Study of normal and pathological conditions of blood. Use of current diagnostic techniques such as peripheral blood and bone marrow differential counting and blood banking.
MLSP 351 Clinical Microbiology I
5 hrs (2 hr lecture, 3 hr lab), 3 cr.
Prereq or Coreq: MLSP 300
Properties and mechanisms of pathogenesis of microorganisms associated with disease and the antimicrobial agents used to control them; laboratory diagnosis of bacterial infection.
MLSP 352 Clinical Microbiology II
5 hrs (2 hr lecture, 3 hr lab), 4 cr
Prereq: MLSP 300, 351 or equivalent
Continuation of MLSP 351 with particular emphasis on anaerobic bacteria, fungi, and viruses, including molecular methods.
MLSP 354 Clinical Biochemistry I: Biomolecules & Metabolism
5 hrs (2 hr lecture, 3 hr lab), 3.5 cr
Prereq: CHEM 222
Basic macromolecules of life, including amino acids, lipids, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates; membrane biochemistry and signal transduction; cellular metabolism and bioenergetics; clinical and biochemical laboratory methods.
MLSP 355 Clinical Biochemistry II: Genes to Proteins
5 hrs (2 hr lecture, 3 hr lab), 3.5 cr
Prereq: MLSP 354
Continuation of MLSP 354. Structure and function of nucleic acids and proteins and the genetic basis of human disease. Laboratory methodologies include analysis of proteins, including enzymes in clinical samples, and manipulation of microbial nucleic acids.
MLSP 361 Computers and Data Processing in the Medical Laboratory
3 hrs (1 hr lecture, 2 hrs lab), 3 cr
Prereq: MATH 150 or STAT 113
Study of computer integration in the medical and research lab, data compilation and medical information systems.
MLSP 400 Topics in Biomedical Sciences
1-3 hrs, 1-3 cr
Topics vary from semester to semester and are announced before registration.
MLS 400.66 Topics: Biohazards and Emergency Response
3 hrs, 3 cr.
Cross-listed: MLS 770.25
This cross-listed undergraduate/masters class covers the biology of microorganisms and toxins most frequently considered in perpetrated attacks. It also considers technology for detection and control for first responders, lab practitioners and other healthcare professionals, emergency communication, and prevention. In addition to classroom activities, students participate in group projects to simulate bioterrorism events and responses; government regulation, chain of evidence, and related topics are covered.
MLS 400.67 Topics: Medical Technology
3 hrs, 3 cr.
Prereq: MLSP 354 and MLSP 355
A review of various disciplines in clinical laboratory technology with a particular focus on clinical chemistry. Recommended for students intending to take the NYSED licensure exam for clinical laboratory technologists.
MLSP 410 Professional Practice
8 weeks, 3 cr
Prereq: Departmental Permission
Directed full-time experience in clinical laboratories, public health or other biomedical laboratories. Arranged on individual basis.
MLSP 430 Immunohematology
3 hrs (2 hr lecture, 1 hr lab), 3 cr
Prereq: MLSP 349
Study of the immunologic properties of blood associated with blood group systems, donor screening, transfusion reactions and hemolytic disease and laboratory techniques used to characterize antigen-antibody reactions.
MLS 450 Cell and Tissue Culture
5 hrs (2 hr lecture, 3 hr lab), 4 cr
Prereq: MLSP 351; coreq: MLS 347, MLSP 352
Cell and tissue culture theory and techniques, including starting primary cultures, passing and preservation of cells, cytotoxicity assays and monoclonal antibody techniques.
MLSP 457 Senior Seminar
3 hrs lecture, 3 hrs lab, 3 cr
Prereq: Instructor Permission
Oral presentations and written exercises (including research proposal) introduce students to the use and proper citation of the biomedical literature, research design, effective scientific communication and regulatory oversight of science.
MLS 460 Immunology
5 hrs (2 hr lecture, 3 hr lab), 3 cr
Prereq: MLS 349, MLSP 351, Coreq: MLSP 352, 354
Cellular reactions in immunology, structure of antibodies and antigens, and laboratory determination of immune functions.
MLS 480.1, 480.2, 480.3
1, 2, and 3 credits respectively
Prereq or Coreq: Departmental Permission
Independent Study Hours TBA.
MLS 490 Honors
Hours TBA, 3 cr
Prereq: Departmental Permission