Curriculum Overview
The curriculum of the Medical Laboratory Sciences is designed to teach the concepts and practices of laboratory science, and to prepare students for lifetime learning in biomedical science. Graduates pursue entry-level careers in research or diagnostic labs, as well as further education in graduate programs, medical school and other clinical specialties. MLS graduates work in hospitals, nonprofit research institutions and pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.
Courses are offered in:
- Traditional areas of the clinical laboratory (Clinical Microbiology, Biochemistry, Histology, Hematology)
- Modern biomedical science (Immunology, Cell and Tissue Culture, Senior Seminar)
- Emerging areas (Biohazards and Emergency Response)
All courses are rigorous and employ a problem solving approach in both the theoretical and practical aspects. Several types of professional practice options are available to students toward the end of the MLS course of study. Students educated in the MLS program become valued members of professional teams dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease.
Students may enter in the fall or spring semester, after completing 60 college credits and the appropriate prerequisites (see admission requirements). MLS is a daytime program. Most students complete the program in 4 or 5 semesters, but students can attend part time to compensate for time to work, family obligations and the like. Each student meets with a faculty advisor each semester to review progress and design an appropriate program to meet the individual's need. The major is suitable for transfer students who do not wish to lose credits for their previous work. A commitment to demanding (and rewarding) education is crucial to succeed in the MLS program.
Approximately 140 students currently pursue degrees in the MLS Program. They represent a wide ethnic and racial mix, including many recent immigrants to the U.S. Students have completed their first two years at Hunter, other CUNY 2 or 4 year colleges, American or foreign universities. Valued members of the MLS student body are working clinical lab technicians with A.A.S. degrees, wishing to improve their skills, and their positions in their work settings. The experience of these individuals enrich the MLS experience for faculty and students new to the medical lab. The small class structure allows close interactions among students and faculty, fosters friendships, and permits an individualized approach to learning.
Refer to the curriculum outline for a list of current MLS courses.