Major in Religion
The major consists of 24 credits
A sequence of courses for the major normally includes Approaches to Religion, Nature of Religion, Asian Religions, and Abrahamic Religions, followed by at least one course each in theoretical studies in religion, issues in religion, and religious traditions. Majors are supervised closely by members of the Religion Program staff. Majors and minors must meet with their advisers at least once a semester.
Religion majors looking forward to graduate work in religion should consider, as particularly appropriate minors, those fields which will provide them with a substantive grounding either in a specific methodological discipline or in a language useful for graduate work. Minors in anthropology, history, philosophy or sociology would be fitting. And minors in any language in which primary religious phenomena are expressed (such as Greek, Hebrew, Chinese, Swahili and Yoruba), or in French or German would also be appropriate for those going on to graduate study in religion.