All curricular actions must be approved by the originating department or program, the appropriate school, and the Hunter Senate. The School of Arts and Sciences accepts curriculum proposals approved by the School's undergraduate and graduate programs. To submit proposals for consideration at the school level, please attach the appropriate documents to an email to Melissa Torrella at Directions and templates to assist in preparing curriculum proposals can be found on the Curriculum Guidelines and Forms page.
Along with the attachment, please include the following information in the body of the email:
- The date the proposal was approved by the department or program.
- The name of the contact who will present the proposal at the School's curriculum committee meeting and who will answer any questions along the way.
To provide sufficient time for review, please submit proposals at least a week in advance of the committee meeting.
We will confirm receipt of proposals and ask for any additional information necessary to bring them before for the Arts and Sciences curriculum committees. Submissions will be added to the next available committee agenda. Proposals approved by the School of Arts and Sciences will be sent on as soon as possible to either the Undergraduate Course of Study Committee or the Graduate Course of Study and Academic Requirements Committee of the Hunter Senate.