2024-25 Faculty Research Seminars
The Faculty Research Seminars are sponsored by the Office of the Dean, the School of Arts and Sciences. The seminars are intended to bring together Hunter College faculty, graduate students, advanced undergraduates, faculty from neighboring institutions, and visiting scholars in interdisciplinary or disciplinary groups for the purpose of exploring topics of common intellectual and scholarly concern. These seminars are designed to offer opportunities through regularly scheduled meetings for faculty to investigate and develop new areas of research and teaching through sustained intellectual collaboration. Past participants have found the seminars especially useful in advancing their research agendas.
Seminars require a core group of at least two core faculty members, who take primary responsibility for organizing the seminar, planning topics for discussion, inviting speakers from outside the College, and providing opportunities for faculty and graduate students to present works-in-progress. Seminars must meet regularly (at least five times per semester), and they should be open to all interested faculty and graduate students, subject to appropriate limits of size. The core faculty members of the seminar are expected to present a substantial work-in-progress at least once each year. Other members of the seminar, including the graduate students, may be invited to present work-in-progress. As in any other formal seminar, everyone, including core faculty, participating faculty, and graduate students, is expected to attend each session of the seminar. We encourage seminars to invite visitors to make additional presentations to a wider College audience. We also encourage seminars to mount a website or BB site that will serve to notify members of seminar events and to post such information on College and A&S web calendars.
Proposals will be reviewed by a committee that will make funding recommendations to the Dean of Arts and Sciences. Final decisions will be made by the Dean in consultation with the Provost.
Funding for individual seminars is competitive and subject to the availability of funds. Up to $4,000 per seminar may be approved for such expenses as travel and reasonable honoraria for invited speakers, photocopying of materials for circulation in advance of meetings, light refreshments, and other operating expenses. An additional $500 will be provided for a College Assistant to provide administrative support to the seminar. Honoraria for visiting speakers are limited to $150 for junior faculty and $300 for senior faculty. No more than $2,000 can be budgeted for book purchases.
All seminars will be required to submit an annual report to the Dean. The annual report should detail seminar activities, teaching and research outcomes for participants, and account of expenditures.
Completed applications for the Faculty Research Seminars should be submitted to the Dean's Office by Friday, May 31, 2024 (for the following academic year). Detailed submission instructions will be available as that date approaches. Decisions on the funding of the seminars will be communicated in early June.