Dr. Joong-Hwan Oh is a Professor of Sociology at Hunter College of The City University of New York. He received his B.A. in Sociology from Pusan National University (South Korea) and his M.A. and PhD from the University of South Carolina in Sociology. He teaches a wide range of courses, including urban sociology, research methods, the sociology of online communities, and classical sociological theory at Hunter College. In Fall 2009 to Spring 2010, he was Visiting Professor of Division of Humanities and Social Sciences at POSTECH and in Spring 2010, Visiting Lecturer of Sociology Department at Pusan National University, in South Korea. His substantive areas of expertise in sociology are immigration, online communities, urban poverty and crime, racial and ethnic inequalities, and East Asia. He has published more than 20 journal articles in these areas that focus especially on the social networks of certain population groups and different forms of their social capital. He is the author of A Public Encounter in New York City: A Phenomenological View on a Sobering Experience (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023), Examining the Use of Online Social Networks by Korean Graduate Students: Navigating Intercultural Academic Experiences (Routledge, 2019), and Immigration and Social Capital in the Age of Social Media: Messages of the American Social Institutions on a Korean-American Women’s Online Community (Lexington Books, 2016). In addition, he has coedited the following five books at Lexington Books: 1) Newcomers and Global Migration in Contemporary South Korea: Across National Boundaries, with Sung-Choon Park (2020); 2) Health Disparities in Contemporary Korean Society: Issues and Subpopulations, with Sou Hyun Jang (2020); 3) Communicating Food in Korea, with Jaehyeon Jeong (2021); 4) Digital Media, Online Activism, Social Movements in Korea, with Hojeong Lee (2021); and The Making of Smart City in Korea: The Quest for E-Seoul, with Hojeong Lee and Jaehyeon Jeong (2023).