If your question is not addressed here, please see the sociology department advisor during drop-in hours.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I declare a Sociology Major/Minor
Students wishing to declare Sociology as their major or minor should complete the online major declaration form and submit the form online. Please note: Students will need their Net ID and password to access the form.
Do I have to take Social Statistics (Soc 241) if I have completed another statistics course?
No. The course in Social Statistics may be waived for students who have completed Stats 113, Stats 213 or Psych 248 with satisfactory grades. However, you must still make up the 3 credits in sociology by taking another sociology course in its place.
Can courses used to satisfy the requirements for sociology as a major or a minor be simultaneously used to satisfy other college-wide distribution requirements?
Yes, you may use some sociology courses to fulfill various distribution requirements. For instance, Soc 217 (Race and Ethnicity) counts as three Sociology elective credits, and it also fulfills a Pluralism & Diversity requirement.
Which courses are required for the sociology minor?
The requirements for the Sociology minor are Soc 101, Soc 224, and any two additional sociology elective classes (12 credits total). Soc 101 is the prerequisite for all upper-level classes, and it cannot be taken simultaneously with any other sociology classes.
How many credits from another college or university can I apply towards my major or minor at Hunter?
At least one half of the credits taken in sociology (12) and one half of the credits taken in a minor (6) need to be earned at Hunter.
Is an internship required for the Sociology major?
An internship is not required, but some students wish to complete one. For students considering a social work career, we offer a field placement course, Soc 331. For students wishing to complete an internship in some other corporate or organizational setting, we offer Soc 498. Both courses require departmental permission, and students are responsible for securing their own internship (usually by contacting the Career Development Services office at Hunter).