Women’s Studies at Hunter College was established in 1975 in response to the women's movement of the 1960s, which asked that higher education integrate the study of women and gender into the curriculum.
After 40 years of providing a rich interdisciplinary curriculum that encourages critical evaluations of social and public issues, the Women and Gender Studies Program at Hunter officially became a department on January 28, 2015, making it a historic moment for the college.
The department is committed to examinations of social and identity formation and how they shape human experience and produce structures of power and domination. With a mission to not only re-examine the historical record to make visible the experiences of disenfranchised groups but also connect feminist theories to current and concrete social and political contexts, the department promotes critical perspectives that have the potential to effect transformation and change.
Our classes focus on the critical examination of gender, class, race, dis/ability, sexuality and nationality as intersecting dynamics of social and identity formation. Through our own and cross-listed courses, our students are able to explore such topics as Bathroom Politics, Women and Film, Gender, Sexuality and History, Masculinities, Gender and Human Rights, Gender and Migration and Transnational Feminism.