This page includes instructions and rules that non-Hunter researchers need to abide by when recruiting research participants at Hunter College. Non-Hunter researchers in this context are researchers who are not affiliated with Hunter College, nor collaborating with Hunter College researcher(s), but wish to recruit participants.
Request to Recruit Participants for Research

Recruit Participants for Research
Prior to recruiting study participants, non-Hunter researchers must obtain written permission from Hunter College administration. Greater than minimal risk studies will not be granted site permission to recruit at Hunter College. Only minimal risk studies will be considered.
The Permission to Recruit Faculty, Staff and/or Students by Non-Hunter Researcher Form must be completed and submitted if you wish to recruit Hunter College faculty, staff and/or students. Submission of this request does not guarantee permission to recruit at Hunter College.
The completed form, along with the requested documentation, will be reviewed by the Director of Research Compliance or designee, who will assess if the proposed research study benefits Hunter College's subject population and/or the institution. Permission is only granted by the Provost Office or designee.
Access Research Participant Recruitment FormsOnce permission is granted
Email Recruitment: Sending mass emails to students is prohibited. Researchers may send targeted emails to department chairs to obtain departmental permission. Researchers must not send requests to any department with the intent of having the department disseminate information about their research study.
In-Person Recruitment: To access the campus, non-Hunter researchers will need a valid Photo ID and a Hunter College contact person to go through security. Non-Hunter researchers and Hunter College contact persons are required to review and follow the Hunter College Visitor policy.
The use of Hunter College common areas (e.g., hallways, cafeterias, etc.) by non-Hunter researchers for research purposes is strictly prohibited. Non-Hunter researchers can make the inquiry to the Student Affairs Office ( for a designated area to post the research study flyer. Flyers may also be posted in specific departments with that department's permission. Non-Hunter researchers must provide our office with documentation of permission from either the Student Affairs Office and/or the department in question.
Once the research is complete at Hunter College, the HRPP Office requests the Permission to Recruit Faculty/Staff and/or Students by Non-Hunter Researcher Closeout Form be submitted.
Please contact the Hunter HRPP Office ( if there are any questions.
Processing Schedule
Submission of this request does not guarantee permission to recruit at Hunter College. Hunter College is only able to process a limited number of these requests per year. As such, the form will only be made available two weeks before the start of the semester and will be taken down two weeks before the end of the semester. The processing time for these submissions is five business days from receipt. Additional information may be requested after review of the submission. You will be notified by the Office of HRPP on the Hunter College Administration's determination on whether you can recruit at the college.