Topic Descriptions
Navigate Basic Training covers the essential features to get started; Home, Calendar, Availability, Messaging, Student Profiles, and Basic Searches. First-time users are strongly encouraged to start their training here. (1 hour)
Navigate Intermediate Training covers valued-added features to find and connect with students that would most benefit from your support; Campaigns, PAL links, Saved Searches, Student Lists, Reminders, Alerts, and Cases. This topic is not necessary to start using the platform but helps build on what is possible. Basic Training is strongly recommended prior to attending. (1 hour)
Navigate Campaigns covers all things related to campaigns; how to launch, making adjustments after, messaging best practices, reports, and tips & quirks. Campaigns are a great way to reach out to specific students and encourage them to attend individual or group meetings. Basic Training is strongly recommended prior to attending this topic. (1 hour)
Navigate Advanced Search covers all the ways to layer search parameters to create unique cohorts. This includes; majors, course data, performance data, and other academic data from CUNYFirst; popular categories/tags; advisor assignments; and other student interest data. Basic Training is strongly recommended prior to attending this topic. (1 hour)