This page contains frequently asked questions about Hunter College's 42-credit major leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Health.
The courses are offered at the campus of our Silberman School of Social Work in East Harlem.
Hunter's public health (PH) curriculum prepares students for positions in hospitals and clinics, community, advocacy and non-profit domestic & internationally focused organizations, governmental agencies, corporate health offices, and health insurance and marketing firms. The major is also a stepping stone for students who seek advanced education such as a Master's in Public Health (MPH), Masters in Public Administration (MPA), Social Work, or in other health related areas.
RSVP for and attend an information session! In addition to reviewing our website, we typically offer an info session 1x per semester. Dates/time/location will show on our website calendar when dates are set. If unable to attend a session, and you have additional Public Health questions, email or call Nzinga Ajani or 212-396-7729, prospective student contact.
Current Hunter students should also make an appointment with main campus Academic Advising to confirm you are on the path to meet Hunter Core, Focus and Public Health prerequisite requirements
Public Health is part of the Department of Nutrition and Public Health (NPH), located at Hunter's Silberman Campus, 2180 Third Avenue, NY, NY, 5th floor (119th Street & Third Avenue)
The Public Health BS is a day study only (generally no evening classes.) Courses meet at our Silberman campus, also the location for NPH/Comhe faculty and staff. Courses typically meet one day per week, 2.30 hours, M-TH mornings or afternoon. Occassionally we may offer a class 4-6:30PM along with a few online classes. Each course is 3 credits. Public Health major electives offered by other academic departments are at Hunter's main campus at 68th St & Lexington Avenue.
Look for 'Public Health-PH in the Cunyfirst online schedule pull-down menu. In the Hunter online College Catalog, find Public Health listed under the Department of Nutrition and Public Health.
Public Health accepts new majors Fall semester.
Students apply as they approach junior level. We welcome both transfer and current Hunter students who have a minimum of 60 earned undergraduate credits upon the Fall admissions semester, including required prerequistes, and a minimum 3.0 GPA.
NOTE: Public Health BS majors must satisfy Hunter Focus foreign language requirement or get a foreign language waiver (via rearing oversease, previous language study or foreign language competency testing--see the Office of Academic Advisment 'My Degree' website tab/Focus Foreign Language section and/or Hunter Office of Academic Advisement advisor. contact. Also direct all questions regarding Hunter & CUNY Core and the Hunter Focus to Hunter Academic Advising.
Current Hunter Students
Both transfer and current Hunter students complete the CUNY (UAPC) Transfer Application (no charge for Hunter students). Mark Public Health as a major. The application generally opens January 15 and closes April 15. Apply only once previous Fall grades appear on your transcript, and only if you will complete all PH prerequisites by the Spring semester before entering the major. DO NOT apply for the major if you will not meet the major admissions and prerequisite listed on our Public Health Admissions weblink.
Fall admittance application review begins mid-February. Hunter Admissions will usually inform you of the decision by late April. Students who have not yet successfully completed prerequisites may receive conditional admittance pending completion.
Contact Hunter Undergraduate Admissions with questions re your application status and/or track via the UAPC website (see CUNY's transfer application website for information.) NPH/Public Health is not able to assist with the transfer application. If you've applied within the deadline, have a strong application, met or are meeting prerequisites, but are denied acceptance to Hunter and/or to the major, examine the reason for denial and contact Hunter Undergraduate Admissions with questions.
Public Health accepts 50-60 applicants each year. While we will accept late applications, consideration is contingent on space availability.
The Public Health admissions committee will review an applicants overall academic record and brief statement of interest. All applicants should select a second and third choice College and/or major in the event they are not accepted to Hunter and/or Public Health.
With major courses are usually offered 1x per year. Most students attend full-time and study as a cohort, completing major courses in two years (four semesters.) Public Health also accepts part-time students who typically complete major requirements in four years (8 semesters.) We also accept equivalent courses transferred from other CUNY and non-CUNY colleges.
No, all Public Health major courses require a letter grade.
Hunter undergraduate Admissions handles all aspects of the transfer application, including course equivalency evaluations. Students transferring courses from a two or four year CUNY school can use the CUNY Transfer Explorer for cross-CUNY equivalencies. If denied equivalency, but the course appears to be equivalent to one offered at Hunter, email the respective Hunter academic department and include your transcript, course number and course syllabus and request equivalency review. If you do not have a syllabus, include the College's course catalog listing and, if known, the textbook used for the class plus author/publisher.
Yes, the orientation is generally offered within the first week Fall semester.
Your academic advisor will provide assistance and strategies in locating an internship. We understand students often work and have other familial life obligations. While students register for the internship the second Spring semester of the major, Public Health permits students to begin or complete the internship during the preceding summer.
Yes, both Public Health and Nutrition & Food Science students are encouraged to participate in the NPH Student Club. Students in both majors may also apply to serve as officers of the club.