Hunter College performed essential network maintenance. If you are experiencing connectivity issues, please contact the Helpdesk at or (212) 772–HELP (x14357).
Forms / Information
Access information and common forms for the academic calendar, CUNY First help links, and Hunter and NPH forms related to academics, registration, graduation, and personal info changes.
Chat Sessions
The Public Health (PH) program offers monthly chat sessions via zoom during Fall and Spring semesters. In addition, Hunter College's Welcome Center/Admissions offers multi-major information sessions 1-2 times per semester. See the Visitor's Center website for information.
To join a chat session please send an email to for session information.
Public Health Chat Sessions 10-11am
NFS Nutrition Chat Sessions 11:30am-12:30pm
To participate in a chat session:
- Go to
- Create an account with email and password
- Select "Join a meeting"
- Enter meeting number: 3015725151
- Activate video and/or audio if desired or just type