Do not hang up the phone.
- Remain calm.
- Keep the caller on the phone as long as possible and get as much information as possible.
- Note time of call.
- Ask the following questions:
- Caller’s name and address?
- Gender?
- Age: Adult or child?
- Bomb facts:
- When will the bomb explode?
- Where is the bomb located? (Building? Floor?)
- What kind of bomb is it?
- How many are there?
- What does it look like?
- What will cause it to explode?
- Did you place the bomb?
- Why were the bombs placed at the location?
- Be perceptive. Listen for and try to detect:
- Voice characteristics:
- Tone (loud/soft, high/low pitch, stutter, raspy, nasal, pleasant).
- Speech (fast, slow, distorted, cursing, slurred, lisp, distinguished).
- Language (excellent, good, fair, poor).
- Accent (local, region, ethnic).
- Manner (poor grammar, well-spoken, taped, message read, emotional, irrational, deliberate, laughing).
- Background noises (office machines, factory machines, PA system, animals, quiet, street traffic, airplanes, voices, children, music, trains, radios, party, static, cellular phones).
- Voice characteristics:
- Write down as much information as possible.
- Do not rely on memory.
Call the Office of Public Safety: 212-772-4444.
- Provide all of the information you collected.
- Public safety officers will call the police.
- Stand by for further instructions.
- If an EVACUATION is ordered, follow the directions of public safety officers and/or the police. BE ALERT! Some bombers will leave explosive devices in the evacuation path/zone.
- Do not touch or move it.
- Call the Office of Public Safety: 212-772-4444.
- Secure the area, be aware of the possibility of more bombs.
- Evacuate the area.
Call the Office of Public Safety: 212-772-4444.