At most Hunter campuses, a fire warden is assigned to each floor and is responsible for implementing the fire safety policy and evacuation during a fire emergency.
- If you notice a fire, pull the fire alarm "pull station." Do not waste time calling the Office of Public Safety. (Once activated, the alarm goes directly to a central station and they automatically contact NYFD).
- If a "pull station" is not close to you then:
- If on main or Brookdale campuses, activate one of the silver wall-mounted "Talk-Alert" boxes.
- If on main or Brookdale campuses, dial 1-4444 on a campus telephone.
- If at any other Hunter campus, call the public safety desk at that campus.
- Dial 911 on your cell phone.
- Fire extinguishers are located on all floors of all buildings.
- A fire warden is assigned to each floor and is responsible for implementing the fire safety policy and evacuation during a fire emergency.
- It is important to follow their instructions; they are there for your safety.
- Stairway "A" is the primary staircase to be used for evacuation unless told otherwise.
- Disabled individuals should enter the stairway and stay on the landing of their floor. FDNY will come and get you!
- A delay in public address announcements after a fire alarm sounds is usually because public safety is investigating the source of the alarm to determine what needs to be done.
- Always listen for public address announcements.
- If there is a fire or smoke condition in, or near an elevator shaft, the fire alarms will sound on all floors.
- Elevators will get automatically re-called to the lowest floor/lobby.
- Some elevators may be re-called to the main floor due to a fire.
- After a fire alarm is activated, the alarm and the elevators can not be reset until the NY Fire Department authorizes it and gives the "all clear".
- Evacuations may only occur on the "fire floor" and one floor above, and one floor below and not the entire building.
- Organized "Fire Brigades" will respond to the floor below the fire floor.
Usually, evacuation procedures concern a working fire. However, there may be other reasons that a building may have to be evacuated. Examples of this may be a bomb threat, chemical spill in a lab, police action, power failure or other situations where it would be in the best interest of the occupants to evacuate.
Do not use elevators. Remain calm.
- Everyone will listen for a public address announcement to evacuate the building when the fire alarm is sounded.
- Normally, evacuation is ordered by building and by floor to prevent overcrowding in the stairwells.
- Upon activation of the fire alarm, and the announcement to evacuate, all occupants will immediately exit the building using the nearest exit stairwell and proceed across the street from the building.
- Excessive smoke or the smell of gas is reason to immediately evacuate even if no announcement was heard.
- Evacuation floor plans are posted on each floor by the elevators throughout each campus.
- Close windows and doors. Leave lights on and doors unlocked.
- When you evacuate, do not stop for personal belongings or records.
- If there is excessive smoke, crawl to an exit. If you are unable to exit, stay low and plug all openings around doors, windows and vents.
- If you find yourself trapped, dial 911 and give them your location, room number and floor.
- Before entering another room or stairwell, check for heat by placing your hand near the door.
- Fire wardens that are familiar with the evacuation procedures will alert on their assigned floor to follow their emergency procedures.
- Disabled persons will enter the closest stairwell and await NYFD to assist them in exiting the building.
- A “runner” should be dispatched to tell the responding officer (fire or police) the location of the handicapped individual(s) so that a rescue can be initiated.
- Building occupants must immediately advise the responding public safety officers of the possibility and location of any persons who have not yet evacuated the buildings due to injury or incapacitation.
- No one is permitted to re-enter an evacuated building until the building is determined to be safe by the emergency service personnel and NYFD advises that re-entry into the building is permitted.
- Then call the Office of Public Safety: 212-772-4444 to inform them of the location.
- Please Note: Once the FIRE ALARM is activated, the alarm goes directly to a central station and the NYFD is automatically contacted.
- Evacuate your area.
- Close, but do not lock doors behind you.
- Follow instructions transmitted over the public address system.
- Proceed to evacuate the building through designated exit areas.
- Stairway "A" is the primary staircase to be used for evacuation, unless told otherwise.
- A fire warden is assigned to each floor and is responsible for implementing the fire safety policy and evacuation during a fire emergency.
- It is important to follow their instructions; they are there for your safety.
- Disabled individuals should enter the stairway and stay on the landing of their floor. NYFD will come and get you!
- Before entering any stairwell, touch the door with the palm of your hand. If it is warm or hot, do not enter the stairwell. Proceed to the next stairwell.
- Walk downstairs; do not run. Do not panic. Remain calm.
- When going down a stairwell, keep your head turned toward the center wall of the stairwell. This precaution will give more protection to your face and eyes in the event of an explosion.
- It is dangerous to use elevators during an evacuation. Use elevators only when authorized to do so by the Fire Department.
- When using the down escalators, make long and wide turns going from one escalator to the next escalator in order to prevent congestion.
- When you are outside the building, move approximately 200 feet away from the entrance.
- Public safety officials will notify you when the building is safe, and then you may re-enter.
- Never attempt to put out a fire with your back to a wall. Always leave a way out for yourself.
- How to use a portable fire extinguisher:
- Pull the pin of the extinguisher.
- Aim at the base of the fire.
- Squeeze the handle of the extinguisher.
- Sweep the extinguisher hose side to side.
- Watch the video presentation below on "Using a Fire Extinguisher":